Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Rational R1000/400 Tapes

This is an automatic "excavation" of a thematic subset of
artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400 Tapes

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

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⟦ed3c6bbbe⟧ TextFile

    Length: 11900 (0x2e7c)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »B«


└─⟦afbc8121e⟧ Bits:30000532 8mm tape, Rational 1000, MC68020_OS2000 7_2_2
    └─ ⟦77aa8350c⟧ »DATA« 


package body Calendar is

    Ticks_Per_Day : constant Integer :=
       Integer (Day_Duration'Last / Duration'(Duration'Delta));

    subtype January is Integer range 0 .. 30;
    subtype February is Integer range January'Last + 1 .. January'Last + 29;
    subtype March is Integer range February'Last + 1 .. February'Last + 31;
    subtype April is Integer range March'Last + 1 .. March'Last + 30;
    subtype May is Integer range April'Last + 1 .. April'Last + 31;
    subtype June is Integer range May'Last + 1 .. May'Last + 30;
    subtype July is Integer range June'Last + 1 .. June'Last + 31;
    subtype August is Integer range July'Last + 1 .. July'Last + 31;
    subtype September is Integer range August'Last + 1 .. August'Last + 30;
    subtype October is Integer range September'Last + 1 .. September'Last + 31;
    subtype November is Integer range October'Last + 1 .. October'Last + 30;
    subtype December is Integer range November'Last + 1 .. November'Last + 31;

    Days_Per_Year       : constant Integer range 365 .. 365 := December'Last;
    Days_Per_Leap_Year  : constant Integer := Days_Per_Year + 1;
    Days_Per_Four_Years : constant Integer := (4 * Days_Per_Year) + 1;

    Clock_Error : exception;

    package Imports is

        procedure Get_Political_Time (Seconds   : out Integer;
                                      Ticks     : out Tick_Id;
                                      Base_Year : out Year_Number);
        -- Return time as a offset in seconds from the Base_Year and Ticks.
        -- Base_Year is in the range 1901 .. 2099 and is = 1 mod 4.

        pragma Suppress (Elaboration_Check, Get_Political_Time);
        pragma Interface (Asm, Get_Political_Time);
        pragma Import_Procedure (Get_Political_Time, "__GET_POLITICAL_TIME",
                                 Mechanism => (Value, Value, Value));

    end Imports;

    function Clock return Time is
        Seconds   : Integer;
        Ticks     : Tick_Id;
        Base_Year : Year_Number;
        Base_Time : Time;

        Day_Offset     : Day_Id;
        Seconds_Offset : Integer;
        Imports.Get_Political_Time (Seconds, Ticks, Base_Year);

        Base_Time := Time_Of (Year  => Base_Year,
                              Month => Month_Number'First,
                              Day   => Day_Number'First);

        Day_Offset     := Seconds / (24 * 60 * 60);
        Seconds_Offset := Seconds mod (24 * 60 * 60);

        return (Days    => Base_Time.Days + Day_Offset,
                Seconds => Duration (Seconds_Offset) + Ticks);
        when others =>
            raise Clock_Error;
    end Clock;

    procedure Split (Days  :     Day_Id;  
                     Year  : out Year_Number;  
                     Month : out Month_Number;  
                     Day   : out Day_Number) is

        Day_Temp     : Integer := Integer (Days);  
        Year_Temp    : Integer;
        Is_Leap_Year : Boolean;

        Year_Temp := 4 * (Day_Temp / Days_Per_Four_Years);
        Day_Temp  := Day_Temp mod Days_Per_Four_Years;

        Is_Leap_Year := Day_Temp >= (3 * Days_Per_Year);

        if Day_Temp = Days_Per_Four_Years - 1 then
            Year_Temp := Year_Temp + 3;
            Day_Temp  := Days_Per_Year;
            Year_Temp := Year_Temp + (Day_Temp / Days_Per_Year);
            Day_Temp  := Day_Temp mod Days_Per_Year;
        end if;

        Year := Year_Number'First + Year_Temp;

        if (not Is_Leap_Year) and then (Day_Temp >= February'Last) then
            Day_Temp := Day_Temp + 1;
        end if;

        case Day_Temp is
            when January =>
                Month := 1;
                Day   := Day_Temp + 1 - January'First;
            when February =>
                Month := 2;
                Day   := Day_Temp + 1 - February'First;
            when March =>
                Month := 3;
                Day   := Day_Temp + 1 - March'First;
            when April =>
                Month := 4;
                Day   := Day_Temp + 1 - April'First;
            when May =>
                Month := 5;
                Day   := Day_Temp + 1 - May'First;
            when June =>
                Month := 6;
                Day   := Day_Temp + 1 - June'First;
            when July =>
                Month := 7;
                Day   := Day_Temp + 1 - July'First;
            when August =>
                Month := 8;
                Day   := Day_Temp + 1 - August'First;
            when September =>
                Month := 9;
                Day   := Day_Temp + 1 - September'First;
            when October =>
                Month := 10;
                Day   := Day_Temp + 1 - October'First;
            when November =>
                Month := 11;
                Day   := Day_Temp + 1 - November'First;
            when December =>
                Month := 12;
                Day   := Day_Temp + 1 - December'First;
            when others =>
                raise Program_Error;
        end case;
    end Split;

    function Year (Date : Time) return Year_Number is
        Year  : Year_Number;
        Month : Month_Number;
        Day   : Day_Number;
        Split (Date.Days, Year, Month, Day);
        return Year;
    end Year;

    function Month (Date : Time) return Month_Number is
        Year  : Year_Number;
        Month : Month_Number;
        Day   : Day_Number;
        Split (Date.Days, Year, Month, Day);
        return Month;
    end Month;

    function Day (Date : Time) return Day_Number is
        Year  : Year_Number;
        Month : Month_Number;
        Day   : Day_Number;
        Split (Date.Days, Year, Month, Day);
        return Day;
    end Day;

    function Seconds (Date : Time) return Day_Duration is
        return Date.Seconds;
    end Seconds;

    procedure Split (Date    : in  Time;  
                     Year    : out Year_Number;  
                     Month   : out Month_Number;  
                     Day     : out Day_Number;  
                     Seconds : out Day_Duration) is
        Seconds := Date.Seconds;
        Split (Date.Days, Year, Month, Day);
    end Split;

    function Time_Of (Year    : Year_Number;  
                      Month   : Month_Number;  
                      Day     : Day_Number;  
                      Seconds : Day_Duration := 0.0) return Time is
        Result     : Time;
        Year_Temp  : Integer;
        Four_Years : Integer;
        Day_Temp   : Integer;

        Is_Leap_Year : Boolean := ((Year mod 4) = 0);
        -- NOTE: The year 2000 is a leap year even though it is a century
        --       because it is also divisible by 400.  Therefore, the test
        --       for leap year is simplified for the range 1901 .. 2099

        Year_Temp  := Year - Year_Number'First;
        Four_Years := Year_Temp / 4;

        Result.Days := Four_Years * Days_Per_Four_Years;
        Year_Temp   := Year_Temp - (Four_Years * 4);
        Result.Days := Result.Days + (Year_Temp * Days_Per_Year);

        case Month is
            when 1 =>
                Result.Days := Result.Days + January'First;
            when 2 =>
                if Day > (28 + Boolean'Pos (Is_Leap_Year)) then
                    raise Time_Error;
                end if;
                Result.Days := Result.Days + February'First;
            when 3 =>
                Result.Days := Result.Days + March'First -
                                  Boolean'Pos (not Is_Leap_Year);
            when 4 =>
                if Day = Day_Number'Last then
                    raise Time_Error;
                end if;
                Result.Days := Result.Days + April'First -
                                  Boolean'Pos (not Is_Leap_Year);
            when 5 =>
                Result.Days := Result.Days + May'First -
                                  Boolean'Pos (not Is_Leap_Year);
            when 6 =>
                if Day = Day_Number'Last then
                    raise Time_Error;
                end if;
                Result.Days := Result.Days + June'First -
                                  Boolean'Pos (not Is_Leap_Year);
            when 7 =>
                Result.Days := Result.Days + July'First -
                                  Boolean'Pos (not Is_Leap_Year);
            when 8 =>
                Result.Days := Result.Days + August'First -
                                  Boolean'Pos (not Is_Leap_Year);
            when 9 =>
                if Day = Day_Number'Last then
                    raise Time_Error;
                end if;
                Result.Days := Result.Days + September'First -
                                  Boolean'Pos (not Is_Leap_Year);
            when 10 =>
                Result.Days := Result.Days + October'First -
                                  Boolean'Pos (not Is_Leap_Year);
            when 11 =>
                if Day = Day_Number'Last then
                    raise Time_Error;
                end if;
                Result.Days := Result.Days + November'First -
                                  Boolean'Pos (not Is_Leap_Year);
            when 12 =>
                Result.Days := Result.Days + December'First -
                                  Boolean'Pos (not Is_Leap_Year);
        end case;

        Result.Days := Result.Days + Day - Day_Number'First;

        if Seconds /= Day_Duration'Last then
            Result.Seconds := Seconds;
            Result.Seconds := 0.0;
            if Result.Days = Day_Id'Last then
                raise Time_Error;
            end if;
            Result.Days := Result.Days + 1;
        end if;

        return Result;
    end Time_Of;

    function "+" (Left : Time; Right : Duration) return Time is
        Right_Ticks   : Integer  := Integer (Right / Duration'(Duration'Delta));
        Right_Days    : Integer  := Right_Ticks / Ticks_Per_Day;
        Right_Seconds : Duration :=
           Duration ((Right_Ticks rem Ticks_Per_Day) * Duration'Delta);
        Carry         : Integer range -1 .. 1;
        if Right_Seconds + Left.Seconds in Tick_Id then
            Carry := 0;
        elsif Right > 0.0 then
            Carry := 1;  
            Carry := -1;
        end if;

        return (Days    => Day_Id (Integer (Left.Days) + Right_Days + Carry),
                Seconds => Left.Seconds + Right_Seconds -
                              (Carry * Day_Duration'Last));

        when Constraint_Error | Numeric_Error =>
            raise Time_Error;
    end "+";

    function "+" (Left : Duration; Right : Time) return Time is
        return "+" (Left => Right, Right => Left);
    end "+";

    function "-" (Left : Time; Right : Duration) return Time is
        return Left + (-Right);
        when Constraint_Error | Numeric_Error =>
            raise Time_Error;
    end "-";

    function "-" (Left : Time; Right : Time) return Duration is
        return (Integer (Left.Days - Right.Days) * Day_Duration'Last) +
                  (Left.Seconds - Right.Seconds);
        when Constraint_Error | Numeric_Error =>
            raise Time_Error;
    end "-";

    function "<" (Left, Right : Time) return Boolean is
        if Left.Days = Right.Days then
            return Left.Seconds < Right.Seconds;
            return Left.Days < Right.Days;
        end if;
    end "<";

    function "<=" (Left, Right : Time) return Boolean is
        return (Left = Right) or else (Left < Right);
    end "<=";

    function ">" (Left, Right : Time) return Boolean is
        return (Left /= Right) and then not (Left < Right);
    end ">";

    function ">=" (Left, Right : Time) return Boolean is
        return not (Left < Right);
    end ">=";

end Calendar;