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Length: 20318 (0x4f5e) Types: TextFile Names: »V«
└─⟦85b835f43⟧ Bits:30000549 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Xlib rev 6.00 └─ ⟦0c20f784e⟧ »DATA« └─⟦1abbe589f⟧ └─⟦059497ac5⟧ └─⟦this⟧
with Xlbt_Request3; package Xlbt_Request is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- X Library Protocol Request Codes and Packets - Normal User Interface -- -- Xlbt_Request - Record definitions of the protocol request packets ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Copyright 1989 - 1991 by Rational, Santa Clara, California. -- Copyright 1985 - 1989 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology -- -- All Rights Reserved. -- -- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its -- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, -- provided that the above copyright notice(s) appear in all copies and that -- both that copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in -- supporting documentation, and that the names of MIT or Rational not be -- used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software -- without specific, written prior permission. -- -- MIT and Rational disclaim all warranties with regard to this software, -- including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness, in no -- event shall MIT or Rational be liable for any special, indirect or -- consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, -- data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other -- tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance -- of this software. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --\f package R3 renames Xlbt_Request3; --\f ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- X_Request_Code - X Protocol Request Codes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subtype X_Request_Code is R3.X_Request_Code; function "=" (A, B : X_Request_Code) return Boolean renames R3."="; subtype Xrc is X_Request_Code; Invalid_Request : constant Xrc := R3.Invalid_Request; Create_Window : constant Xrc := R3.Create_Window; Change_Window_Attributes : constant Xrc := R3.Change_Window_Attributes; Get_Window_Attributes : constant Xrc := R3.Get_Window_Attributes; Destroy_Window : constant Xrc := R3.Destroy_Window; Destroy_Subwindows : constant Xrc := R3.Destroy_Subwindows; Change_Save_Set : constant Xrc := R3.Change_Save_Set; Reparent_Window : constant Xrc := R3.Reparent_Window; Map_Window : constant Xrc := R3.Map_Window; Map_Subwindows : constant Xrc := R3.Map_Subwindows; Unmap_Window : constant Xrc := R3.Unmap_Window; Unmap_Subwindows : constant Xrc := R3.Unmap_Subwindows; Configure_Window : constant Xrc := R3.Configure_Window; Circulate_Window : constant Xrc := R3.Circulate_Window; Get_Geometry : constant Xrc := R3.Get_Geometry; Query_Tree : constant Xrc := R3.Query_Tree; Intern_Atom : constant Xrc := R3.Intern_Atom; Get_Atom_Name : constant Xrc := R3.Get_Atom_Name; Change_Property : constant Xrc := R3.Change_Property; Delete_Property : constant Xrc := R3.Delete_Property; Get_Property : constant Xrc := R3.Get_Property; List_Properties : constant Xrc := R3.List_Properties; Set_Selection_Owner : constant Xrc := R3.Set_Selection_Owner; Get_Selection_Owner : constant Xrc := R3.Get_Selection_Owner; Convert_Selection : constant Xrc := R3.Convert_Selection; Send_Event : constant Xrc := R3.Send_Event; Grab_Pointer : constant Xrc := R3.Grab_Pointer; Ungrab_Pointer : constant Xrc := R3.Ungrab_Pointer; Grab_Button : constant Xrc := R3.Grab_Button; Ungrab_Button : constant Xrc := R3.Ungrab_Button; Change_Active_Pointer_Grab : constant Xrc := R3.Change_Active_Pointer_Grab; Grab_Keyboard : constant Xrc := R3.Grab_Keyboard; Ungrab_Keyboard : constant Xrc := R3.Ungrab_Keyboard; Grab_Key : constant Xrc := R3.Grab_Key; Ungrab_Key : constant Xrc := R3.Ungrab_Key; Allow_Events : constant Xrc := R3.Allow_Events; Grab_Server : constant Xrc := R3.Grab_Server; Ungrab_Server : constant Xrc := R3.Ungrab_Server; Query_Pointer : constant Xrc := R3.Query_Pointer; Get_Motion_Events : constant Xrc := R3.Get_Motion_Events; Translate_Coords : constant Xrc := R3.Translate_Coords; Warp_Pointer : constant Xrc := R3.Warp_Pointer; Set_Input_Focus : constant Xrc := R3.Set_Input_Focus; Get_Input_Focus : constant Xrc := R3.Get_Input_Focus; Query_Keymap : constant Xrc := R3.Query_Keymap; Open_Font : constant Xrc := R3.Open_Font; Close_Font : constant Xrc := R3.Close_Font; Query_Font : constant Xrc := R3.Query_Font; Query_Text_Extents : constant Xrc := R3.Query_Text_Extents; List_Fonts : constant Xrc := R3.List_Fonts; List_Fonts_With_Info : constant Xrc := R3.List_Fonts_With_Info; Set_Font_Path : constant Xrc := R3.Set_Font_Path; Get_Font_Path : constant Xrc := R3.Get_Font_Path; Create_Pixmap : constant Xrc := R3.Create_Pixmap; Free_Pixmap : constant Xrc := R3.Free_Pixmap; Create_Gc : constant Xrc := R3.Create_Gc; Change_Gc : constant Xrc := R3.Change_Gc; Copy_Gc : constant Xrc := R3.Copy_Gc; Set_Dashes : constant Xrc := R3.Set_Dashes; Set_Clip_Rectangles : constant Xrc := R3.Set_Clip_Rectangles; Free_Gc : constant Xrc := R3.Free_Gc; Clear_Area : constant Xrc := R3.Clear_Area; Copy_Area : constant Xrc := R3.Copy_Area; Copy_Plane : constant Xrc := R3.Copy_Plane; Poly_Point : constant Xrc := R3.Poly_Point; Poly_Line : constant Xrc := R3.Poly_Line; Poly_Segment : constant Xrc := R3.Poly_Segment; Poly_Rectangle : constant Xrc := R3.Poly_Rectangle; Poly_Arc : constant Xrc := R3.Poly_Arc; Fill_Poly : constant Xrc := R3.Fill_Poly; Poly_Fill_Rectangle : constant Xrc := R3.Poly_Fill_Rectangle; Poly_Fill_Arc : constant Xrc := R3.Poly_Fill_Arc; Put_Image : constant Xrc := R3.Put_Image; Get_Image : constant Xrc := R3.Get_Image; Poly_Text8 : constant Xrc := R3.Poly_Text8; Poly_Text16 : constant Xrc := R3.Poly_Text16; Image_Text8 : constant Xrc := R3.Image_Text8; Image_Text16 : constant Xrc := R3.Image_Text16; Create_Colormap : constant Xrc := R3.Create_Colormap; Free_Colormap : constant Xrc := R3.Free_Colormap; Copy_Colormap_And_Free : constant Xrc := R3.Copy_Colormap_And_Free; Install_Colormap : constant Xrc := R3.Install_Colormap; Uninstall_Colormap : constant Xrc := R3.Uninstall_Colormap; List_Installed_Colormaps : constant Xrc := R3.List_Installed_Colormaps; Alloc_Color : constant Xrc := R3.Alloc_Color; Alloc_Named_Color : constant Xrc := R3.Alloc_Named_Color; Alloc_Color_Cells : constant Xrc := R3.Alloc_Color_Cells; Alloc_Color_Planes : constant Xrc := R3.Alloc_Color_Planes; Free_Colors : constant Xrc := R3.Free_Colors; Store_Colors : constant Xrc := R3.Store_Colors; Store_Named_Color : constant Xrc := R3.Store_Named_Color; Query_Colors : constant Xrc := R3.Query_Colors; Lookup_Color : constant Xrc := R3.Lookup_Color; Create_Cursor : constant Xrc := R3.Create_Cursor; Create_Glyph_Cursor : constant Xrc := R3.Create_Glyph_Cursor; Free_Cursor : constant Xrc := R3.Free_Cursor; Recolor_Cursor : constant Xrc := R3.Recolor_Cursor; Query_Best_Size : constant Xrc := R3.Query_Best_Size; Query_Extension : constant Xrc := R3.Query_Extension; List_Extensions : constant Xrc := R3.List_Extensions; Change_Keyboard_Mapping : constant Xrc := R3.Change_Keyboard_Mapping; Get_Keyboard_Mapping : constant Xrc := R3.Get_Keyboard_Mapping; Change_Keyboard_Control : constant Xrc := R3.Change_Keyboard_Control; Get_Keyboard_Control : constant Xrc := R3.Get_Keyboard_Control; Bell : constant Xrc := R3.Bell; Change_Pointer_Control : constant Xrc := R3.Change_Pointer_Control; Get_Pointer_Control : constant Xrc := R3.Get_Pointer_Control; Set_Screen_Saver : constant Xrc := R3.Set_Screen_Saver; Get_Screen_Saver : constant Xrc := R3.Get_Screen_Saver; Change_Hosts : constant Xrc := R3.Change_Hosts; List_Hosts : constant Xrc := R3.List_Hosts; Set_Access_Control : constant Xrc := R3.Set_Access_Control; Set_Close_Down_Mode : constant Xrc := R3.Set_Close_Down_Mode; Kill_Client : constant Xrc := R3.Kill_Client; Rotate_Properties : constant Xrc := R3.Rotate_Properties; Force_Screen_Saver : constant Xrc := R3.Force_Screen_Saver; Set_Pointer_Mapping : constant Xrc := R3.Set_Pointer_Mapping; Get_Pointer_Mapping : constant Xrc := R3.Get_Pointer_Mapping; Set_Modifier_Mapping : constant Xrc := R3.Set_Modifier_Mapping; Get_Modifier_Mapping : constant Xrc := R3.Get_Modifier_Mapping; No_Operation : constant Xrc := R3.No_Operation; None_X_Request_Code : X_Request_Code renames R3.None_X_Request_Code; --\f ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- X Protocol Requests - Only the names are visible. This makes compilation -- much much faster for modules that do not require the default Ada operations, -- e.g. "=". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subtype X_Alloc_Color_Request is R3.X_Alloc_Color_Request; subtype X_Alloc_Color_Cells_Request is R3.X_Alloc_Color_Cells_Request; subtype X_Alloc_Color_Planes_Request is R3.X_Alloc_Color_Planes_Request; subtype X_Alloc_Named_Color_Request is R3.X_Alloc_Named_Color_Request; subtype X_Allow_Events_Request is R3.X_Allow_Events_Request; subtype X_Bell_Request is R3.X_Bell_Request; subtype X_Change_Active_Pointer_Grab_Request is R3.X_Change_Active_Pointer_Grab_Request; subtype X_Change_Gc_Request is R3.X_Change_Gc_Request; subtype X_Change_Hosts_Request is R3.X_Change_Hosts_Request; subtype X_Change_Keyboard_Control_Request is R3.X_Change_Keyboard_Control_Request; subtype X_Change_Keyboard_Mapping_Request is R3.X_Change_Keyboard_Mapping_Request; subtype X_Change_Pointer_Control_Request is R3.X_Change_Pointer_Control_Request; subtype X_Change_Property_Request is R3.X_Change_Property_Request; subtype X_Change_Save_Set_Request is R3.X_Change_Save_Set_Request; subtype X_Change_Window_Attributes_Request is R3.X_Change_Window_Attributes_Request; subtype X_Circulate_Window_Request is R3.X_Circulate_Window_Request; subtype X_Clear_Area_Request is R3.X_Clear_Area_Request; subtype X_Close_Font_Request is R3.X_Close_Font_Request; subtype X_Configure_Window_Request is R3.X_Configure_Window_Request; subtype X_Convert_Selection_Request is R3.X_Convert_Selection_Request; subtype X_Copy_Area_Request is R3.X_Copy_Area_Request; subtype X_Copy_Colormap_And_Free_Request is R3.X_Copy_Colormap_And_Free_Request; subtype X_Copy_Gc_Request is R3.X_Copy_Gc_Request; subtype X_Copy_Plane_Request is R3.X_Copy_Plane_Request; subtype X_Create_Colormap_Request is R3.X_Create_Colormap_Request; subtype X_Create_Cursor_Request is R3.X_Create_Cursor_Request; subtype X_Create_Gc_Request is R3.X_Create_Gc_Request; subtype X_Create_Glyph_Cursor_Request is R3.X_Create_Glyph_Cursor_Request; subtype X_Create_Pixmap_Request is R3.X_Create_Pixmap_Request; subtype X_Create_Window_Request is R3.X_Create_Window_Request; subtype X_Delete_Property_Request is R3.X_Delete_Property_Request; subtype X_Destroy_Subwindows_Request is R3.X_Destroy_Subwindows_Request; subtype X_Destroy_Window_Request is R3.X_Destroy_Window_Request; subtype X_Fill_Poly_Request is R3.X_Fill_Poly_Request; subtype X_Force_Screen_Saver_Request is R3.X_Force_Screen_Saver_Request; subtype X_Free_Colormap_Request is R3.X_Free_Colormap_Request; subtype X_Free_Colors_Request is R3.X_Free_Colors_Request; subtype X_Free_Cursor_Request is R3.X_Free_Cursor_Request; subtype X_Free_Gc_Request is R3.X_Free_Gc_Request; subtype X_Free_Pixmap_Request is R3.X_Free_Pixmap_Request; subtype X_Get_Atom_Name_Request is R3.X_Get_Atom_Name_Request; subtype X_Get_Font_Path_Request is R3.X_Get_Font_Path_Request; subtype X_Get_Geometry_Request is R3.X_Get_Geometry_Request; subtype X_Get_Image_Request is R3.X_Get_Image_Request; subtype X_Get_Input_Focus_Request is R3.X_Get_Input_Focus_Request; subtype X_Get_Keyboard_Control_Request is R3.X_Get_Keyboard_Control_Request; subtype X_Get_Keyboard_Mapping_Request is R3.X_Get_Keyboard_Mapping_Request; subtype X_Get_Modifier_Mapping_Request is R3.X_Get_Modifier_Mapping_Request; subtype X_Get_Motion_Events_Request is R3.X_Get_Motion_Events_Request; subtype X_Get_Pointer_Control_Request is R3.X_Get_Pointer_Control_Request; subtype X_Get_Pointer_Mapping_Request is R3.X_Get_Pointer_Mapping_Request; subtype X_Get_Property_Request is R3.X_Get_Property_Request; subtype X_Get_Screen_Saver_Request is R3.X_Get_Screen_Saver_Request; subtype X_Get_Selection_Owner_Request is R3.X_Get_Selection_Owner_Request; subtype X_Get_Window_Attributes_Request is R3.X_Get_Window_Attributes_Request; subtype X_Grab_Button_Request is R3.X_Grab_Button_Request; subtype X_Grab_Key_Request is R3.X_Grab_Key_Request; subtype X_Grab_Keyboard_Request is R3.X_Grab_Keyboard_Request; subtype X_Grab_Pointer_Request is R3.X_Grab_Pointer_Request; subtype X_Grab_Server_Request is R3.X_Grab_Server_Request; subtype X_Image_Text16_Request is R3.X_Image_Text16_Request; subtype X_Image_Text8_Request is R3.X_Image_Text8_Request; subtype X_Install_Colormap_Request is R3.X_Install_Colormap_Request; subtype X_Intern_Atom_Request is R3.X_Intern_Atom_Request; subtype X_Kill_Client_Request is R3.X_Kill_Client_Request; subtype X_List_Extensions_Request is R3.X_List_Extensions_Request; subtype X_List_Fonts_Request is R3.X_List_Fonts_Request; subtype X_List_Fonts_With_Info_Request is R3.X_List_Fonts_With_Info_Request; subtype X_List_Hosts_Request is R3.X_List_Hosts_Request; subtype X_List_Installed_Colormaps_Request is R3.X_List_Installed_Colormaps_Request; subtype X_List_Properties_Request is R3.X_List_Properties_Request; subtype X_Lookup_Color_Request is R3.X_Lookup_Color_Request; subtype X_Map_Subwindows_Request is R3.X_Map_Subwindows_Request; subtype X_Map_Window_Request is R3.X_Map_Window_Request; subtype X_No_Operation_Request is R3.X_No_Operation_Request; subtype X_Open_Font_Request is R3.X_Open_Font_Request; subtype X_Poly_Arc_Request is R3.X_Poly_Arc_Request; subtype X_Poly_Fill_Arc_Request is R3.X_Poly_Fill_Arc_Request; subtype X_Poly_Fill_Rectangle_Request is R3.X_Poly_Fill_Rectangle_Request; subtype X_Poly_Line_Request is R3.X_Poly_Line_Request; subtype X_Poly_Point_Request is R3.X_Poly_Point_Request; subtype X_Poly_Rectangle_Request is R3.X_Poly_Rectangle_Request; subtype X_Poly_Segment_Request is R3.X_Poly_Segment_Request; subtype X_Poly_Text16_Request is R3.X_Poly_Text16_Request; subtype X_Poly_Text8_Request is R3.X_Poly_Text8_Request; subtype X_Put_Image_Request is R3.X_Put_Image_Request; subtype X_Query_Best_Size_Request is R3.X_Query_Best_Size_Request; subtype X_Query_Colors_Request is R3.X_Query_Colors_Request; subtype X_Query_Extension_Request is R3.X_Query_Extension_Request; subtype X_Query_Font_Request is R3.X_Query_Font_Request; subtype X_Query_Keymap_Request is R3.X_Query_Keymap_Request; subtype X_Query_Pointer_Request is R3.X_Query_Pointer_Request; subtype X_Query_Text_Extents_Request is R3.X_Query_Text_Extents_Request; subtype X_Query_Tree_Request is R3.X_Query_Tree_Request; subtype X_Recolor_Cursor_Request is R3.X_Recolor_Cursor_Request; subtype X_Reparent_Window_Request is R3.X_Reparent_Window_Request; subtype X_Rotate_Properties_Request is R3.X_Rotate_Properties_Request; subtype X_Send_Event_Request is R3.X_Send_Event_Request; subtype X_Set_Access_Control_Request is R3.X_Set_Access_Control_Request; subtype X_Set_Clip_Rectangles_Request is R3.X_Set_Clip_Rectangles_Request; subtype X_Set_Close_Down_Mode_Request is R3.X_Set_Close_Down_Mode_Request; subtype X_Set_Dashes_Request is R3.X_Set_Dashes_Request; subtype X_Set_Font_Path_Request is R3.X_Set_Font_Path_Request; subtype X_Set_Input_Focus_Request is R3.X_Set_Input_Focus_Request; subtype X_Set_Modifier_Mapping_Request is R3.X_Set_Modifier_Mapping_Request; subtype X_Set_Pointer_Mapping_Request is R3.X_Set_Pointer_Mapping_Request; subtype X_Set_Screen_Saver_Request is R3.X_Set_Screen_Saver_Request; subtype X_Set_Selection_Owner_Request is R3.X_Set_Selection_Owner_Request; subtype X_Store_Colors_Request is R3.X_Store_Colors_Request; subtype X_Color_Item is R3.X_Color_Item; subtype X_Store_Named_Color_Request is R3.X_Store_Named_Color_Request; subtype X_Translate_Coords_Request is R3.X_Translate_Coords_Request; subtype X_Ungrab_Button_Request is R3.X_Ungrab_Button_Request; subtype X_Ungrab_Key_Request is R3.X_Ungrab_Key_Request; subtype X_Ungrab_Keyboard_Request is R3.X_Ungrab_Keyboard_Request; subtype X_Ungrab_Pointer_Request is R3.X_Ungrab_Pointer_Request; subtype X_Ungrab_Server_Request is R3.X_Ungrab_Server_Request; subtype X_Uninstall_Colormap_Request is R3.X_Uninstall_Colormap_Request; subtype X_Unmap_Subwindows_Request is R3.X_Unmap_Subwindows_Request; subtype X_Unmap_Window_Request is R3.X_Unmap_Window_Request; subtype X_Warp_Pointer_Request is R3.X_Warp_Pointer_Request; end Xlbt_Request;