DataMuseum.dkPresents historical artifacts from the history of: Rational R1000/400 Tapes |
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Length: 5052 (0x13bc) Types: TextFile Names: »B«
└─⟦a7d1ea751⟧ Bits:30000550 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !users!projects 94_04_11 └─ ⟦129cab021⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧ └─⟦2f6cfab89⟧ Bits:30000547 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 94-01-04 └─ ⟦d65440be7⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧
with Errors; with Interchange; with Talk_Utils; package body Rational_Error is Last_Error : Rational_Error := Ok; function Mac_To_Rational (Err : Mac_Types.Oserr) return Rational_Error is type Synonym is record Mac : Mac_Types.Oserr; Rational : Rational_Error; end record; type Synonym_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Synonym; Error_Synonyms : constant Synonym_Array := ((Errors.Nsverr, Name_Error), (Errors.Bdnamerr, Name_Error), (Errors.Paramerr, Device_Error), (Errors.Dirfulerr, Device_Error), (Errors.Dskfulerr, Device_Error), (Errors.Ioerr, Device_Error), (Errors.Bdnamerr, Name_Error), (Errors.Fnferr, Name_Error), (Errors.Wprerr, Use_Error), (Errors.Vlckderr, Use_Error), (Errors.Dupfnerr, Policy_Error), (Errors.Dirnferr, Name_Error), (Errors.Afpaccessdenied, Policy_Error), (Errors.Extfserr, Device_Error), (Errors.Tmfoerr, Device_Error), (Errors.Opwrerr, Policy_Error), (Errors.Permerr, Access_Error), (Errors.Memfullerr, Resource_Limit), (Errors.Flckderr, Access_Error), (Errors.Fbsyerr, Device_Error), (Errors.Fsrnerr, Device_Error)); begin for E in Error_Synonyms'Range loop if Error_Synonyms (E).Mac = Err then return Error_Synonyms (E).Rational; end if; end loop; return Internal_Error; end Mac_To_Rational; function Acceptable (Request : Natural; Error : Rational_Error) return Boolean is type Rational_Error_List is array (Positive range <>) of Rational_Error; type Rational_Error_Record (Size : Natural := 4) is record Errors : Rational_Error_List (1 .. Size); end record; type Request_List is array (Natural range Talk_Utils.R_Create .. Talk_Utils.R_Signal_To_Shell) of Rational_Error_Record; R_Ls_List : Rational_Error_Record (0); Errors_List : constant Request_List := (Talk_Utils.R_Create => (6, (Policy_Error, Status_Error, Use_Error, Device_Error, Name_Error, Unsupported)), Talk_Utils.R_Put => (7, (Policy_Error, Resource_Limit, Status_Error, Use_Error, Device_Error, Name_Error, Unsupported)), Talk_Utils.R_Get => (7, (Policy_Error, Resource_Limit, Status_Error, Device_Error, Use_Error, Name_Error, Unsupported)), Talk_Utils.R_Last_Update => (5, (Policy_Error, Status_Error, Device_Error, Name_Error, Use_Error)), Talk_Utils.R_File_Exists => (5, (Policy_Error, Status_Error, Device_Error, Name_Error, Use_Error)), Talk_Utils.R_Copy => (8, (Access_Error, Policy_Error, Resource_Limit, Status_Error, Device_Error, Use_Error, Name_Error, Unsupported)), Talk_Utils.R_Delete => (6, (Access_Error, Policy_Error, Status_Error, Device_Error, Name_Error, Use_Error)), Talk_Utils.R_Move => (4, (Policy_Error, Device_Error, Name_Error, Use_Error)), Talk_Utils.R_Ls => R_Ls_List, Talk_Utils.R_Input_To_Shell => (9, (Access_Error, Resource_Limit, Status_Error, Device_Error, Use_Error, Command_Error, Command_Terminated, Command_Timed_Out, Unsupported)), Talk_Utils.R_Signal_To_Shell => R_Ls_List); Acceptable_Error : constant Rational_Error_Record := Errors_List (Request); begin for E in Acceptable_Error.Errors'Range loop if Acceptable_Error.Errors (E) = Error then return True; end if; end loop; return False; end Acceptable; procedure Raise_Error (Error : Rational_Error) is begin Last_Error := Error; raise Rational_Exception; end Raise_Error; procedure Raise_Mac_Error (Err : Mac_Types.Oserr) is begin Raise_Error (Mac_To_Rational (Err)); end Raise_Mac_Error; function Get return Rational_Error is begin return Last_Error; end Get; procedure Report (A_Connection : in out Communications.Connection; Request : Natural; Error : Rational_Error; Text : Mac_Text.Text := No_Text) is Int_Error : Mac_Types.Longint; begin if Acceptable (Request, Error) then Int_Error := Rational_Error'Pos (Error); else Int_Error := Rational_Error'Pos (Internal_Error); end if; Interchange.Put_Int (A_Connection, Talk_Utils.F_Error); Interchange.Put_Text (A_Connection, Text); end Report; end Rational_Error;