Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Rational R1000/400 Tapes

This is an automatic "excavation" of a thematic subset of
artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400 Tapes

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

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Index: ┃ T V

⟦f285837e6⟧ TextFile

    Length: 5520 (0x1590)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »V«


└─⟦d10a02448⟧ Bits:30000409 8mm tape, Rational 1000, ENVIRONMENT, D_12_7_3
    └─ ⟦fc9b38f02⟧ »DATA« 
└─⟦5f3412b64⟧ Bits:30000745 8mm tape, Rational 1000, ENVIRONMENT 12_6_5 TOOLS 
    └─ ⟦91c658230⟧ »DATA« 


with Polymorphic_Io;
with Device_Independent_Io;

package Ftp_Defs is

    pragma Subsystem (Ftp_Interface);
    pragma Module_Name (4, 4002);

    type Pio_Handle is
            File_Handle : Polymorphic_Io.Handle;
            Position    : Polymorphic_Io.File_Position;
        end record;

    type Pio_Pointer is access Pio_Handle;

    type Dio_Pointer is access Device_Independent_Io.File_Type;

    type Mode_Code is (Stream, Block, Compressed);

    type Structure_Code is (File, Recrd, Page);

    type Type_Code is (Ascii, Ebcdic, Image, Binary, Local_Binary, Local_Byte,
                       Ascii_Cc, Ebcdic_Cc, Ascii_Telnet, Ebcdic_Telnet);

    Default_Mode      : Mode_Code      := Stream;
    Default_Structure : Structure_Code := File;
    Default_Type      : Type_Code      := Ascii;

    type Ftp_Commands is

       (Login,             -- forming initial connection
        Set_User,          -- set user information
        Set_Pass,          -- set passwork information
        Set_Account,       -- set account information
        Set_Type,          -- set transfer type information
        Set_Stru,          -- set transfer structure information
        Set_Mode,          -- set transfer mode information
        Set_Allocation,    -- set space allocation
        Send_File,         -- send file to remote
        Send_File_Append,  -- send file and append to remote file
        Retr_File,         -- retrieve file from remote
        List_Directory,    -- get verbose directory listing
        Nlst_Directory,    -- get name list of directory
        Do_Cwd,            -- change remote current working directory
        Do_Delete,         -- delete file at remote host
        Do_Help,           -- get help from remote
        Do_Stat,           -- get status from remote
        Do_Port,           -- send data port information
        Do_Pasv,           -- request pasv data opeation
        Do_Site,           -- sent site command
        Verbatim,          -- command sent no local processing of response
        Do_Quit,           -- log off
        Noop);             -- no affect

    type Status_Code is

       (Command_In_Progress,      -- Command active pending response

        Successful,               -- command completed successfully

        Need_Password,            -- command successful need password next

        Need_Account,             -- need account info to procede

        Not_Used,                 -- command not needed (ie no account needed)

        Transfer_Started,         -- transfer has started

        Transfer_Complete,        -- transfer has completed successfully

        Transfer_Failed,          -- transfer failed refer to transfer
                                  -- status for reason

        Not_Logged_In,            -- command failed user not logged in.

        Syntax_Error,             -- command syntax error (ie line too long)

        Bad_Sequence,             -- sequenced commands (ie user - password)
                                  -- were done out of sequence

        No_Local_Support,         -- The local transfer worker does not
                                  -- support command parameter

        Command_Not_Implemented,  -- remote server does not implement the
                                  -- command

        Param_Not_Implemented,    -- remote server does not support given
                                  -- parameter

        Local_Pasv_Error,         -- a send_pasv request got a successful
                                  -- response from the remote server but
                                  -- the local server could not interpret
                                  -- the returned port information

        Remote_Directory_Error,   -- file or directory access error

        Timed_Out,                -- No response was recieved in a
                                  -- appropriate time

        Network_Error,            -- Some problem has occured on network
                                  -- The connection may have been lost
        Invalid_Use,              -- The connection is not open or the
                                  -- caller is not a valid user

        Unknown_Error);           -- An error response which could not
                                  -- be clasified was recieved

    type Transfer_Status is

       (In_Progress,             -- transfer is currently active

        Ok,                       -- transfer completed successfully

        Local_Error,              -- transfer failed due to local error

        File_Error,               -- transfer failed due to local file error

        Line_Error,               -- problem with data line, transfer could not complete.

        Open_Failed,              -- could not get data connect open to start transfer

        Transfer_Abort,           -- file transfer has been aborted

        Remote_File_Unavailable,  -- file unavailable at remote site

        Remote_File_Error,        -- remote file error

        Storage_Error,            -- Storage error at remote

        Unknown_Page_Type,        -- remote did not recognize page type


        Comm_Line_Error,          -- Command link lost during transfer

        Unknown_Error);           -- An error response which could not be
                                  -- classified was recieved

    function Ftp_Product_Is_Installed return Boolean;
    Ftp_Product_Is_Not_Installed : exception;

end Ftp_Defs;