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⟦f38f53d5c⟧ TextFile

    Length: 50629 (0xc5c5)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »V«


└─⟦afbc8121e⟧ Bits:30000532 8mm tape, Rational 1000, MC68020_OS2000 7_2_2
    └─ ⟦77aa8350c⟧ »DATA« 


-- Proprietary and confidential information of Rational; use or copying  --
-- without express written authorization is strictly prohibited.  This   --
-- material is protected as an unpublished work under the U.S. Copyright --
-- Act of 1976.  Created 1981 - 1987.  All rights reserved.              --

with Action;  
with Calendar;  
with Device_Independent_Io;
with Directory;  
with Job_Segment;  
with System;

package Object_Module_Support is

    pragma Open_Private_Part;

    --  This package is provided to assist in the generation and
    --  manipulation of Object Modules used by Rational's CDFs.
    --  Most users of this package are really concerned with one
    --  or more of the packages exported.  These are:
    --  Package Cross_Referencing;
    --      Facilities are provided here for generating cross reference
    --      information of the form required by the Symbol_Table package.
    --      These cross references may be used to provide either diagnostic
    --      or statistic information about symbol usage.
    --  Package Expression_Evaluation;
    --      Facilities are provided here for the generation, manipulation,
    --      and traversal of expressions.  Expressions are used to denote
    --      values which cannot be expressed in numeric representation
    --      such as the value of an external symbol.
    --  Package Symbol_Table;
    --      The Symbol_Table package is used to map symbolic names to
    --      their values.  These values are represented as Expressions.
    --      Operations are exported to define, reference, manipulate,
    --      and traverse the properties of symbols.  Symbol_Table also
    --      enforces the semantics required for most assembly level
    --      programming such as detection of multiply defined symbols,
    --      etc.
    --  Package Object_Module_Format;
    --      This package exports the format of object modules via visible
    --      types.  Additionally, operations are provided to store and
    --      retrieve objects of these types in files.

    type State_Info      is private;
    type Cross_Reference is private;
    type Expression      is private;
    type Symbol          is private;
    type Symbol_List     is private;

    type Expression_Kinds is (Absolute,  
                              Relocatable, Symbolic,  
                              Unary_Op, Binary_Op, Extended,  
                              Characters, Conditional,  

    subtype Address           is Long_Integer range 0 .. 16#FFFF_FFFF#;
    subtype Natural32         is Long_Integer range 0 .. 16#FFFF_FFFF#;
    subtype Section_Number    is System.Byte;
    subtype Subsection_Number is Natural range 0 .. 16#FFFF#;
    subtype Alignment_Info    is Natural range 0 .. 16#FFFF#;

    type Unary_Operators is (Negate_Op, Complement_Op, Abs_Op);

    type Binary_Operators is (Eq_Op, Ne_Op, Gt_Op, Lt_Op, Ge_Op, Le_Op,  
                              And_Op, Or_Op, Xor_Op,  
                              Add_Op, Subtract_Op,  
                              Multiply_Op, Divide_Op, Mod_Op, Rem_Op,  
                              Exponentiate_Op, Lshift_Op, Rshift_Op,  

    subtype Symbol_Name_Length is Positive range 1 .. 32;

    type Numbers is (Signed, Unsigned, Number);
    --  The legal range of a value is based on its kind and the number of bits
    --  which are allocated to it as follows:
    --    Kind                  'First          'Last
    --  ________                ________        ________
    --   Signed                 -(2**(N-1))     (2**(N-1)) - 1
    --   Unsigned               0               2**N - 1
    --   Number                 -(2**(N-1))     2**N - 1
    --  Where N is the number of bits allocated.  For N = 8 ( a byte)
    --  the ranges are:
    --  Signed                  -128 .. 127
    --  Unsigned                   0 .. 255
    --  Number                  -128 .. 255

    package Cross_Referencing is

        --  A general purpose cross referencing facility which is used
        --  in association with the Symbol_Table package to produce symbol
        --  usage information.  Cross-References consist of two portions;
        --  the At_Position, and the Is_Definition.  At_Position may be
        --  either a String or an Integer and objects of either type may
        --  be added to any given list of other cross-references using
        --  the function Add.  The Is_Definition boolean is simply provided
        --  as a means to distinguish definition references from usage
        --  references and is not interpreted by this package.  A list
        --  of cross-references may include any number of references
        --  which are definitions.

        function No_References return Cross_Reference;
        --  This value may be used in most cases when a Cross_Reference
        --  parameter is required but no record of the reference is
        --  desired.

        function Make (At_Position        : Integer;  
                       Defining_Occurance : Boolean;
                       State              : State_Info) return Cross_Reference;
        --  Used to generate a cross-reference to a numeric position.  This
        --  might be used in an assembler to generate cross-references to
        --  source line numbers or in conjunction with a Map to create
        --  cross-references of symbols to arbitrary items.

        function Make (At_Position        : String;  
                       Defining_Occurance : Boolean;
                       State              : State_Info) return Cross_Reference;
        --  Used to generate a cross-reference to a string position.
        --  This might be used in a linker to generate cross-references
        --  to object module names.

        function Add (Item    : Cross_Reference;  
                      To_List : Cross_Reference) return Cross_Reference;
        --  Item is placed on To_List in some order not defined.
        --  Program_Error will be raised if Item is already on To_List.
        --  Adding the value returned by No_References to a list will
        --  not alter the list.

        function Next (List : Cross_Reference) return Cross_Reference;

        function Done (List : Cross_Reference) return Boolean;

        function Value (Item : Cross_Reference) return Integer;
        --  If the item was not an Integer cross-reference Program_Error
        --  will be raised.

        function Value (Item : Cross_Reference) return String;
        --  The image is either the exact string passed to Make for a
        --  literal cross-reference or the value returned by Integer'Image
        --  for a numeric cross-reference.  In either case the low bound
        --  of the result is 1.

        function Is_Definition (Item : Cross_Reference) return Boolean;

    end Cross_Referencing;

    package Expression_Evaluation is

        Divide_By_Zero    : exception;
        Negative_Exponent : exception;
        Mod_By_Zero       : exception;
        Rem_By_Zero       : exception;
        Assert_Failure    : exception;

        type Extensions is new System.Byte;

        Reserved             : constant Extensions := 0;
        Section_Size         : constant Extensions := 1;
        Section_Low_Address  : constant Extensions := 2;
        Section_High_Address : constant Extensions := 3;
        Segment_Size         : constant Extensions := 4;
        Segment_Low_Address  : constant Extensions := 5;
        Segment_High_Address : constant Extensions := 6;
        Time_Of_Link         : constant Extensions := 7;
        Linker_1             : constant Extensions := 8;
        Linker_2             : constant Extensions := 9;
        Linker_3             : constant Extensions := 10;
        Linker_4             : constant Extensions := 11;
        Segment_Of           : constant Extensions := 12;
        Toc_Of               : constant Extensions := 13;
        Section_Offset       : constant Extensions := 14;
        Segment_Offset       : constant Extensions := 15;
        Sibling_Count        : constant Extensions := 16;
        Dead_Code            : constant Extensions := 255;

        function Image (E : Extensions) return String;

        --  Extensions are just that; they allow various item of
        --  interest to be expressed within expressions.  The above
        --  extensions are defined as follows:
        --  Section_Size -
        --      Results in the size of the program section in which
        --      the associated value is located.  If the value is not
        --      relocatable the result is zero.  Sizes are always in
        --      storage units.
        --  Section_Low_Address -
        --      Results in the lowest address of the program section.
        --  Section_High_Address -
        --      Results in the higest address of the program section.
        --  Segment_Size         - Similiar to Section_Size
        --  Segment_Low_Address  - Similiar to Section_Low_Address
        --  Segment_High_Address - Similiar to Section_High_Address
        --  Time_Of_Link -
        --      The associated value determines the value of these
        --      expressions.  The associated value must be absolute
        --      or is presumed to be zero.
        --      0 - A 32 bit number which indicates the date of linking.
        --          1 signifies 01-Jan-1901.
        --      1 - A 32 bit number which indicates the time of linking.
        --          This is the time since midnight in units of 1/16384
        --          seconds.
        --  Linker1 - Linker4
        --      Reserved for internal use by the linker.  These extensions
        --      must never be stored in object modules.
        --  Segment_Of -
        --      Results in the segment number assigned by the linker
        --      to the relocatable section of the associated value.
        --  Toc_of -
        --      Similar in spirit to section_low_address; results in the
        --      base address of the TOC containing the symbol; peculiar
        --      to the RS6000 and AIX.
        --  Section_Offset -
        --      Offset from the beginning of the enclosing section of the
        --      referenced relocatable expression.
        --  Segment_Offset -
        --      Offset from the beginning of the enclosing segment of the
        --      referenced relocatable expression.
        --  Dead_Code -
        --      Usually found only in debug tables of linked programs,
        --      this value indicates that the real value cannot be
        --      obtained because it designated object which was deleted
        --      via Link-Time-Dead-Code-Elimination.  The value is not
        --      defined.
        --  These conventions are followed by Rational produced software
        --  through careful use of the generic Simplify procedure provided
        --  below.  Future use of these and other extension values cannot
        --  be guaranteed.  Contact your Rational representative if you
        --  encounter problems with Extended expressions.

        function Make (N : Long_Integer; State : State_Info) return Expression;
        function Make (S : String; State : State_Info)       return Expression;
        function Make (Section    : Section_Number;  
                       Subsection : Subsection_Number;
                       Offset     : Long_Integer;
                       State      : State_Info)              return Expression;
        function Make (Extension : Extensions;  
                       Value     : Expression)               return Expression;
        function Make (S           : Symbol;  
                       See_Through : Boolean := True)        return Expression;
        --  Used to construct an expression with the corresponding
        --  value.  In the last case, if Symbol_Table.Is_Defined (S) is True
        --  and See_Through is True then the result of Make is the same as the
        --  result of Symbol_Table.Value (S).  In either case, no sharing of
        --  subexpressions occurs between the in and out parameters,
        --  thus resulting expression may be transformed freely
        --  with no side effects whatsoever (i.e., Make_Copy => True where
        --  applicable).
        function Copy (E : Expression) return Expression;
        --  A complete copy of the entire expression is returned.

        function Evaluate (L, R : Expression;  
                           Op   : Binary_Operators) return Expression;
        --  In general a new expression is generated of the form:
        --                      Op
        --                      /\
        --                     /  \
        --                    L    R
        --  However if the form of the operands is such that the result
        --  may be calculated then a simpler result may be returned.
        --  For example:
        --      Evalute (L => Make (3), R => Make (4), Op => Plus_Op)
        --  will return the same values as returned by:
        --      Make (7)
        function Evaluate (A  : Expression;  
                           Op : Unary_Operators) return Expression;
        --  Similar to the above form for Binary_Operators.

        function Evaluate (Cond : Expression; L : Expression; R : Expression)
                          return Expression;
        -- returns an expression which evaluates to L if Cond is true (not 0)
        -- and to R if it is false (0).
        -- In general returns an expr of the form
        --           if (cond) then L else R
        -- If cond evaluates to a constant then a simpler expression (either
        -- L or R) may be returned.

        function Is_Constant (E : Expression) return Boolean;
        --  Returns true IFF the value designated by E contains no
        --  symbolic or relocatable values and no operators.  No
        --  attempt is made to simplify the expression designated by
        --  E so the results are not always what you might expect.

        function Value (E       : Expression;  
                        Consume : Boolean) return Long_Integer;
        --  Returns the value of an absolute expression or the offset
        --  part of a relocatable expression.  If the expression E is
        --  neither absolute nor relocatable Program_Error is raised.

        function Unsigned_Value (E       : Expression;  
                                 Consume : Boolean) return Long_Integer;
        --  Has the same semantics as Value except that the result is
        --  returned as an unsigned value.  That is to say that the value
        --  returned by:
        --      Unsigned_Value (Make (-1))
        --  will be 16#0000_0000_FFFF_FFFF#.

        type Expression_Status is (Simple, Simple_Relocatable,
                                   Complex_Relocatable, Extended, Undefined);

        procedure Simplify (E : in out Expression;
                            S : out    Expression_Status;
                            U : out    Symbol_List);
        --  Used to reduce the complexity of expressions.  The algorithim
        --  works bottom up and results in a possibly smaller expression
        --  which has the same value.  The Status applies to the most
        --  complex subexpression.  The list U designates all of the
        --  undefined symbols on which this expression depends.
            with procedure Extension_Simplifier (E : in out Expression);
        procedure Simplify_Extended (E : in out Expression;
                                     S : out    Expression_Status;
                                     U : out    Symbol_List);
        --  Like Simplify but calls Extension_Simplifier passing the
        --  extension.  Extension Simplifier may transform the tree
        --  or do nothing; the subtree of the extension tree will have
        --  been previously Simplified.  Extension_Simplifier should be
        --  certain to Free any subtrees which are not returned.
        procedure Free_Single_Node (E : Expression);
        --  The expression E is placed into the free list for further
        --  reuse.  The subexpressions of E are unaffected.  Use this
        --  with care.
        procedure Free (E : Expression);
        --  The expression E and all of its subexpressions are placed into
        --  the free list for further reuse.  Use this with extreme care.

        function Null_Expression return Expression;

        procedure Check_Fit (Kind       :     Numbers;
                             Bit_Length :     Natural;
                             Value      :     Long_Integer;
                             Fits       : out Boolean);

        function Kind               (E : Expression) return Expression_Kinds;
        function Section            (E : Expression) return Section_Number;
        function Subsection         (E : Expression) return Subsection_Number;
        function Relocatable_Offset (E : Expression) return Long_Integer;
        function Referenced_Symbol  (E : Expression) return Symbol;
        function Unary_Operator     (E : Expression) return Unary_Operators;
        function Unary_Operand      (E : Expression) return Expression;
        function Binary_Operator    (E : Expression) return Binary_Operators;
        function Left_Operand       (E : Expression) return Expression;
        function Right_Operand      (E : Expression) return Expression;
        function Condition          (E : Expression) return Expression;
        function Then_Part          (E : Expression) return Expression;
        function Else_Part          (E : Expression) return Expression;
        function Extension          (E : Expression) return Extensions;
        function Extension_Value    (E : Expression) return Expression;
        function Characters         (E : Expression) return String;
        function Image              (E : Expression) return String;
        --  May be used to traverse expressions.  Constraint_Error (Variant)
        --  will be raised if an inappropriate selector is applied to a
        --  given expression.

        function Explanation (State : State_Info) return Expression;
        --  If the first argument to ASSERT_OP evaluates to false (i.e., 0)
        --  during simplification or evaluation, the second argument
        --  (presumably the explanation) is cached in the state variable and
        --  ASSERT_FAILURE raised.

        type Expression_Seq      is array (Positive range <>) of Expression;
        type Expression_Sequence is access Expression_Seq;
        pragma Segmented_Heap (Expression_Sequence);

        type Expression_List is private;

        function  Empty_List return Expression_List;
        procedure Initialize (List : out Expression_List);
        -- Must be called prior to any other actions

        function Length (List : Expression_List) return Natural;
        -- Takes linear time

        procedure Append  (E       :        Expression;  
                           To_List : in out Expression_List);
        procedure Prepend (E       :        Expression;  
                           To_List : in out Expression_List);
        -- Perform the obvious catenation operations

        procedure Reset (List : in out Expression_List);
        procedure Next  (List : in out Expression_List);
        function  Value (List : Expression_List) return Expression;
        function  Done  (List : Expression_List) return Boolean;
        -- Perform the obvious traversal operations

        procedure Set_Value (List : Expression_List; Item : Expression);
        -- Alters the value of the current list element

        procedure Release (List  : in out Expression_List;  
                           State :        State_Info);
        -- Releases all storage related to the list but not the
        -- designated Expressions.


        type List_Element;
        type E_List_Element is access List_Element;
        pragma Segmented_Heap (E_List_Element);

        type Expression_List is
                Head : E_List_Element;
                Tail : E_List_Element;
                Iter : E_List_Element;
            end record;
    end Expression_Evaluation;

    package Object_Module_Format is

        --  This package allows one to read and write object modules
        --  and linked programs.  All information contained within
        --  these files should be accessed through this package.  All
        --  types are visible to allow maximum flexibility when
        --  managing object.  In particular the cross-assemblers,
        --  linker, and load module conversion programs all deal with
        --  certain conventions based upon these definitions.  Be
        --  sure you understand those tools before changing this
        --  interface.

        type Object_Module_Version is private;

        type Targets is new System.Byte;

        M68000      : constant Targets := 0;
        Milstd1750a : constant Targets := 1;
        Ibm370      : constant Targets := 2;
        Intel_X86   : constant Targets := 3;
        Vax_Vms     : constant Targets := 4;
        Ibm_6000    : constant Targets := 5;

        function Image (Target : Targets) return String;

        subtype Machine_Id is Long_Integer range 0 .. 16#FFFF_FFFF#;

        --  Each entity has a header.  All text strings are for
        --  informational purposes only.  Sections may be used
        --  to indicate orthoganal memory spaces in the case of
        --  targets with physically distinct code and data.
        --  Modules count is the count of object modules linked in
        --  to form this object module - defaults to 1 when a new object
        --  module is created. The linker sets it correctly when it links
        --  modules.

        type Object_Module_Header is
                Name_Length          : Natural;
                Name                 : String (1 .. 128);
                Target               : Targets;
                Has_Errors           : Boolean;
                Date                 : Calendar.Time;
                Rev_Length           : Natural;
                Rev                  : String (1 .. 128);
                Produced_Length      : Natural;
                Produced_By          : String (1 .. 128);
                Module_Machine_Id    : Machine_Id;
                Module_Instance_Name : Natural;
                Globals              : Natural;
                Externals            : Natural;
                Has_Starting_Address : Boolean;
                Starting_Address     : Expression;
                Modules_Count        : Natural := 1;
            end record;

        --  Each section is comprised of one or more subsections.
        --  Within a given section, a subsection may be deleted as
        --  long as the relative ordering of the other subsections is
        --  maintained.

        type Subsection_Info (Name_Length : Natural := 0) is
                Name      : String (1 .. Name_Length);
                Align_Div : Alignment_Info;
                Align_Mod : Alignment_Info;
            end record;
        type Subsection_Info_Ptr is access Subsection_Info;
        pragma Segmented_Heap (Subsection_Info_Ptr);

        type Subsection_Information is
           array (Subsection_Number range <>) of Subsection_Info_Ptr;

        --  Each Object_Module is comprised of one or more Sections.
        --  A section simply designates a vector of bytes which are
        --  to be maintained contiguously throughout the program generation
        --  process.  The vector of bytes designated by a given program
        --  section within a given module is described by the Section_Info
        --  record.
        --  The MISC field of section_info can be used to 'tag' a
        --  section, thereby possibly aiding the linker & object converter.
        --  Note:  Only the lower 32 bits of MISC are stored in the
        --         object file (as a signed int).  The upper 32 bits are
        --         available for local use, and are not stored.

        type Section_Info (Last_Subsection : Subsection_Number := 0) is
                Name                  : String (Symbol_Name_Length);
                Name_Length           : Symbol_Name_Length;
                Is_Code               : Boolean;
                Is_Readwrite          : Boolean;
                Is_Concatenate        : Boolean;
                Is_Absolute           : Boolean;
                Base_Rel_Labels       : Boolean;
                Pool                  : Boolean;
                Starts_At             : Address;
                Align_Div             : Alignment_Info;
                Align_Mod             : Alignment_Info;
                Fixup_Count           : Natural;
                Byte_Count            : Natural32;
                Misc                  : Long_Integer;
                Subsection_Dictionary :
                   Subsection_Information (0 .. Last_Subsection);
            end record;
        type Section_Info_Ptr is access Section_Info;
        pragma Segmented_Heap (Section_Info_Ptr);

        type Section_Information is
           array (Section_Number range <>) of Section_Info_Ptr;

        --  Normalization is performed by the assemblers during the
        --  second pass (back-patching) and by the linker.  These
        --  indications allow more semantic content to be expressed
        --  than the underlying expression tree contains.
        --      No_Normalization - Just what it means.
        --      Normalize_By_One - Used to encode N bit fields which
        --                         represent the values 1..2**N.  If
        --                         the target is 1750A or 370 the
        --                         encoded value is one less than then
        --                         value supplied; if the target is
        --                         MC68000 the encoded value is the
        --                         supplied value MOD 2**N.
        --      M68000_Short_Branch -
        --                         Used for conditional branches in
        --                         which the branch displacement may
        --                         not be zero.
        --      Align_On_Longword -
        --                         Used to assure that the expression
        --                         resolves to a longword-aligned value.

        type Normalization is new System.Byte;

        No_Normalization    : constant Normalization := 0;
        Normalize_By_One    : constant Normalization := 1;
        M68000_Short_Branch : constant Normalization := 2;
        Align_On_Longword   : constant Normalization := 3;

        function Image (N : Normalization) return String;

        --  Fixups are the mechanism which describe how to modify
        --  a given program section's contents to incorporate values
        --  which could not be computed at the time the object module
        --  was initially generated.  These values include symbolic
        --  references to external symbols and references to relocatable
        --  values at assembly time.
        --  A fixup consists of two portions: the destination and the
        --  value.  The destination is comprised of three portions:
        --      1.) The byte displacement from the beginning of the
        --          program section.
        --      2.) The Bit offset from that byte.
        --      3.) The Bit length of the field affected by the fixup.
        --  The value of fixup is designated by an Expression.
        --  It is usually the responsiblity of the linker to resolve
        --  the values designated by a given Fixup and update the
        --  destination with that value.
        --  The Is_Benign bit indicates that, for the purpose of
        --  Link-Time-Dead-Code-Elimination, the given fixup should
        --  not be considered to be a reference to the value.
        --  The order of a list of fixups associated with a program
        --  section will be in ascending order by Displacement.  This
        --  ordering is insured during the processing done at the time
        --  a module is stored with one of the write_module subprograms.
        --  Furthermore, the Displacement and Bit_Offset fields are
        --  normalized so that Bit_Offset is always in the range 0..7.
        --  Fixups of zero length are permissible and are used to indicate
        --  various information about the destination/value pair.

        type Fixup;
        type Fixup_Ptr is access Fixup;
        pragma Segmented_Heap (Fixup_Ptr);
        type Fixup is
                Displacement : Address;
                Subsection   : Subsection_Number;
                Bit_Offset   : System.Byte;
                Bit_Length   : System.Byte;
                Normalize    : Normalization;
                Kind         : Numbers;
                Is_Benign    : Boolean;
                Value        : Expression;
                Link         : Fixup_Ptr;
            end record;
        type Fixup_Information is array (Section_Number range <>) of Fixup_Ptr;

        --  All data is represented as byte strings.  A list of data may
        --  have holes.  This notion is captured by a data record with
        --  Max_Length < 0 and Length indicating the size of the hole.
        --  A hole is used to explicitly represent uninitialized data.
        --  The Length field is the actual count of used bytes and may
        --  exceed Max_Length by one.

        type Data (Max_Length : Integer := 255);
        type Data_Ptr is access Data;
        pragma Segmented_Heap (Data_Ptr);

        type Data (Max_Length : Integer := 255) is
                Length          : Natural32;
                Starting_Offset : Address;
                Subsection      : Subsection_Number;
                Data            : System.Byte_String (0 .. Max_Length);
                Link            : Data_Ptr;
            end record;
        type Data_Information is array (Section_Number range <>) of Data_Ptr;

        --  A real object module

        type Object_Module_Information (Sections : Section_Number) is
                Version            : Object_Module_Version;
                Header             : Object_Module_Header;
                Section_Dictionary : Section_Information (1 .. Sections);
                Globals            : Symbol_List;
                Externals          : Symbol_List;
                Data               : Data_Information (1 .. Sections);
                Fixups             : Fixup_Information (1 .. Sections);
            end record;

        type Object_Module is access Object_Module_Information;
        pragma Segmented_Heap (Object_Module);

        Object_Module_Read_Error    : exception;
        Object_Module_Write_Error   : exception;
        Object_Module_Version_Error : exception;

        function Current_Object_Module_Version return Object_Module_Version;

            with function External (Module_Name : in String;
                                    Sym_Name : in String;
                                    Misc : in Long_Integer) return Symbol;
            with function Global (Module_Name : in String;
                                  Sym_Name    : in String;
                                  Value       : in Expression;
                                  Misc        : in Long_Integer) return Symbol;
        function Read_Module (Channel : Device_Independent_Io.File_Type;  
                              State   : State_Info) return Object_Module;

            with function External (Module_Name : in String;
                                    Sym_Name : in String;
                                    Misc : in Long_Integer) return Symbol;
            with function Global (Module_Name : in String;
                                  Sym_Name    : in String;
                                  Value       : in Expression;
                                  Misc        : in Long_Integer) return Symbol;
        function Read_Object_Module (File : Directory.Version;
                                     Action_Id : Action.Id := Action.Null_Id;
                                     State : State_Info) return Object_Module;

        function Read_Just_The_Version_Number
                    (File      : Directory.Version;
                     Action_Id : Action.Id := Action.Null_Id;
                     State     : State_Info) return Object_Module_Version;

        --  These generic functions are used to retrieve the contents
        --  of an object module.
        --  The generic formal subprograms are expected to be used
        --  by the client to add the encountered global/externals to
        --  the symbol table as required.
        --  For externals, the object module file contains not only the
        --  name of the symbol, but also a miscellaneous field defined
        --  by the object writer.
        --  Similarly, for globals, the object module file contains not
        --  only the name of the symbol, but the defined value, and again
        --  a miscellaneous field defined by the object writer.
        --  Cross references should added for both global and external
        --  symbols.  In each case the literal form of a reference should be
        --  generated with Module.Header.Name used as the At_Position
        --  of the reference.  Global symbols should be considered as the
        --  Defining_Occurance.
        --  If the file contents are of a revision which is no longer
        --  supported the exception Object_Module_Version_Error is
        --  raised; any other error will result in Object_Module_Read_Error.
        --  Attempts to retrieve modules which were not produced with
        --  one of the write operations provided below may produce either
        --  exception or may succeed.  In any case use of such modules
        --  is not recommended.

        type Symbol_Name_List_Element (Length : Symbol_Name_Length);
        type Symbol_Name_List is access Symbol_Name_List_Element;
        pragma Segmented_Heap (Symbol_Name_List);

        type Symbol_Name_List_Element (Length : Symbol_Name_Length) is
                Name : String (1 .. Length);
                Misc : Long_Integer;
                Link : Symbol_Name_List;
            end record;

        function Read_Object_Module_Globals
                    (File      : Directory.Version;
                     Action_Id : Action.Id := Action.Null_Id;
                     State     : State_Info) return Symbol_Name_List;
        --  These functions may be used to obtain a list of symbols which
        --  are exported by the designated object module.  Use of these
        --  operations does not affect the Symbol_Table in any way.

        procedure Write_Object_Module (Filename  : in String;
                                       Action_Id : Action.Id := Action.Null_Id;
                                       Module    : Object_Module);
        procedure Write_Object_Module (File      : Directory.Version;
                                       Action_Id : Action.Id := Action.Null_Id;
                                       Module    : Object_Module);
        --  The object module Module is stored in the designated file.  Any
        --  errors encountered result in Object_Module_Write_Error.  These
        --  usually are associated with:
        --      File access errors while opening or writing to the
        --      designated file.
        --      Malformed object modules such as modules with symbols
        --      mentioned in the global symbol list which have not been
        --      defined or with fixups which designate expressions which
        --      reference symbols which are not mentioned in the external
        --      symbol list.

        function Is_Debug_Table_Section (S : Section_Info_Ptr) return Boolean;
        -- Returns true if this is a section for the debug table.
        -- A section is a debug table section if it's name begins with "debug".

        procedure Write_Debug_Tables (File      : Directory.Version;
                                      Action_Id : Action.Id := Action.Null_Id;
                                      Module    : Object_Module);
        -- writes out only the debug table portion of the object module.
        -- WARNING: This changes the in memory image of the object module.

            with procedure Put (S : String; Nl : Boolean := True);
        procedure Display (Module                     : Object_Module;
                           Display_Header             : Boolean := True;
                           Display_Section_Dictionary : Boolean := True;
                           Display_Global_Symbols     : Boolean := True;
                           Display_External_Symbols   : Boolean := True;
                           Display_Data               : Boolean := False;
                           Display_Fixups             : Boolean := False);

        procedure Normalize (Method     :        Normalization;
                             Target     :        Targets;
                             Bit_Length :        Natural;
                             Value      : in out Long_Integer;
                             Legal      : out    Boolean);

        function Bytes_Per_Addressing_Unit (Target : Targets) return Positive;
        function Bytes_Are_Backwards       (Target : Targets) return Boolean;

        function Image (V : in Object_Module_Version) return String;


        type Object_Module_Version is new System.Byte;

    end Object_Module_Format;

    package Symbol_Table is

        type Symbol_Status is (Successful,  
        --  The status of attempts to Define a symbol.  The meanings are
        --  as follows:
        --      Successful      -  The operation was successful.
        --      Multiply_Defined-  The symbol was already defined.
        --      Was_Temporary   -  The symbol was previously defined as
        --                         temporary but is now being defined as
        --                         permanent.
        --      Had_References  -  The symbol was previously undefined but
        --                         had references and is now being defined
        --                         as a temporary symbol.
        --      Is_External     -  The symbol has been referenced and has
        --                         been made External.  External symbols
        --                         may not be Defined.
        --      Is_Circular     -  The Value used in the definition of
        --                         the symbol references the symbol itself.
        procedure Define (Spelling     : in  String;
                          Value        : in  Expression;
                          Is_Temporary : in  Boolean;
                          Xref         : in  Cross_Reference;
                          Status       : out Symbol_Status);
        procedure Define (Spelling     : in  String;
                          Value        : in  Expression;
                          Is_Temporary : in  Boolean;
                          Xref         : in  Cross_Reference;
                          Sym          : out Symbol;
                          Status       : out Symbol_Status);
        --  Associates the value with the symbol.  The symbol table entry is
        --  created if it did not already exist.  If the returned status is
        --  other than Successful, the call to Define has no effect.

        function Reference (Spelling : in String;  
                            Xref     :    Cross_Reference;
                            State    :    State_Info) return Symbol;
        --  Creates a reference to the symbol.  The symbol table entry is
        --  created if the designated symbol has been neither Defined nor
        --  Referenced.

        function Lookup
                    (Spelling : in String; State : State_Info) return Symbol;
        --  See if an entry exists already for this symbol.  If not,
        --  null_symbol will be returned.

        function Needs_Definition (Spelling : in String;  
                                   State    :    State_Info) return Boolean;
        --  Returns true iff the symbol has been Referenced but not
        --  Defined.
        procedure New_Local_Symbol_Table (Too_Many : out Boolean;

                                          State    :     State_Info);
        --  Conceptually flushes all local symbols from the symbol table.
        --  A limit of about 2**16 symbol tables may exist before Too_Many
        --  will be returned true.

        procedure Make_External (S : Symbol);
        --  The symbol is made External and is added to the Symbol_List
        --  returned by Externals.  Program_Error is raised if the
        --  symbol is:
        --      a local symbol
        --      a temporary symbol
        --      has been Made_Global
        --      has been previously Defined

        procedure Make_Global (S : Symbol);
        --  The symbol is made Global and is added to the Symbol_List
        --  returned by Globals.  Program_Error is raised if the
        --  symbol is:
        --      a local symbol
        --      a temporary symbol
        --      has been Made_External
        --      has been previously Defined

        function Globals (State : State_Info) return Symbol_List;
        --  Returns a list of all symbols which have been made global.
        function Global_Count (State : State_Info) return Natural;
        --  Returns the number of symbols which have been made global.

        function Externals (State : State_Info) return Symbol_List;
        --  Returns a list of all symbols which have been made external.
        function External_Count (State : State_Info) return Natural;
        --  Returns the number of symbols which have been made external.

        function Value (S : Symbol; Make_Copy : Boolean) return Expression;
        --  Returns either the actual expression denoted by the symbol
        --  or a complete copy of the expression.  If the symbol has not
        --  been Defined a Null_Expression is returned.

        procedure Set_Misc (S : Symbol; N : Long_Integer);
        function  Get_Misc (S : Symbol) return Long_Integer;
        --  Allow storage and retrieval of user information for each
        --  symbol.  This field is initialized to zero when the symbol
        --  is created and is not otherwise modified internally.
        --  The lower 32 bits of this value is stored for globals ONLY.

        function Is_Defined       (S : Symbol) return Boolean;
        function Is_External      (S : Symbol) return Boolean;
        function Is_Global        (S : Symbol) return Boolean;
        function Is_Temporary     (S : Symbol) return Boolean;
        function Is_Local         (S : Symbol) return Boolean;
        function Name             (S : Symbol) return String;
        function Cross_References (S : Symbol) return Cross_Reference;
        --  Various selectors for querying attributes of Symbols.
        procedure Force_Value (S : Symbol; Value : Expression);
        --  If the symbol has been Defined the value associated is freed.
        --  The Value provided is associated with the symbol and the
        --  symbol becomes Defined.  No cross reference is generated and the
        --  previous cross references associated with the symbol are not
        --  altered.
        type Global_Status is (Legal, Is_Undefined, References_Undefineds);
        --  Status values returned by Check_Global have the following
        --  meaning:
        --      Legal                -  The symbol is an acceptable Global
        --                              symbol.
        --      Is_Undefined         -  The symbol has never been defined.
        --      References_Undefineds-  The symbol has been defined in terms
        --                              of other symbols which are undefined.
        procedure Check_Global (G :     Symbol;  
                                S : out Global_Status;  
                                U : out Symbol_List);
        --  Checks a given symbol to insure that it conforms to the
        --  requirements of a global symbol.  This procedure should be
        --  called for each symbol in the Symbol_List returned by
        --  Globals prior to construction of an object module.  The list
        --  U includes all of the undefined or external symbols referenced
        --  by the value of G.  It is an empty list if S is either Legal
        --  or Is_Undefined.

        function  Is_Null     (Sym : in Symbol)   return Boolean;
        function  Null_Symbol                     return Symbol;
        function  Null_List                       return Symbol_List;
        procedure Add_To_List (S   : in out Symbol_List;  
                               Sym :        Symbol);
        function  Get_Symbol  (S : Symbol_List)   return Symbol;
        function  Done        (S : Symbol_List)   return Boolean;
        function  Next        (S       : Symbol_List;  
                               Consume : Boolean) return Symbol_List;
        procedure Free        (S : Symbol_List);
        --  Each perform the obvious.
        --      Add_To_List adds the given symbol to the list in some order
        --      not defined.
        --      Free deallocates the storage associated with a single list
        --      element, not the entire list.

        function First (State : State_Info) return Symbol;
        function Next  (S : Symbol)         return Symbol;
        function Done  (S : Symbol)         return Boolean;
        --  Symbol Table Traversal

    end Symbol_Table;

    function Initialize
                (Heap : System.Segment := Job_Segment.Get) return State_Info;
    --  Initialize create and initialize the state variable.  This
    --  package has no internal state and is completely reentrant.

        with procedure Put (S : String);
    procedure Statistics (State : State_Info);
    --  Displays statisitcs about the number of allocations, the
    --  number of free elements, and the size of various types of
    --  objects.  Objects include Expressions, Symbols, and Symbol_Lists.


    type    State_Information;
    type    Xref_Kind          is (Numeric, Literal);
    subtype Xref_Literal_Index is Natural range 0 .. 1024;
    type    Xref_Info (Kind : Xref_Kind; Lit_Size : Xref_Literal_Index);
    type    Expression_Node;  
    type    Symbol_Table_Entry (Name_Length : Symbol_Name_Length);  
    type    Symbol_List_Element;

    type State_Info      is access State_Information;
    type Cross_Reference is access Xref_Info;
    type Expression      is access Expression_Node;  
    type Symbol          is access Symbol_Table_Entry;  
    type Symbol_List     is access Symbol_List_Element;

    pragma Segmented_Heap (State_Info);
    pragma Segmented_Heap (Cross_Reference);
    pragma Segmented_Heap (Expression);
    pragma Segmented_Heap (Symbol);
    pragma Segmented_Heap (Symbol_List);

end Object_Module_Support;