Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Rational R1000/400 Tapes

This is an automatic "excavation" of a thematic subset of
artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400 Tapes

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

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Index: ┃ B T

⟦fa4a331d8⟧ TextFile

    Length: 8031 (0x1f5f)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »B«


└─⟦149519bd4⟧ Bits:30000546 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 93-07-13
    └─ ⟦124ff5788⟧ »DATA« 
└─⟦a7d1ea751⟧ Bits:30000550 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !users!projects 94_04_11
    └─ ⟦129cab021⟧ »DATA« 
└─⟦f64eaa120⟧ Bits:30000752 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 93 02 16
    └─ ⟦6f12a12be⟧ »DATA« 
└─⟦2f6cfab89⟧ Bits:30000547 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 94-01-04
    └─ ⟦d65440be7⟧ »DATA« 


with Io_Exceptions;
with Logger;
with Requirements;
with String_Utilities;
separate (Actions)
package body Requirement is

    package Dcp renames Directory.Control_Point;
    package Diio renames Device_Independent_Io;
    package Dna renames Directory.Naming;
    package Gwo renames Gateway_Object;

    function Formatted_Image
                (R : in Requirements.Requirement_Kind) return String is
        Capitalize_Next : Boolean := True;
        Offset : constant := Character'Pos ('a') - Character'Pos ('A');
        The_Image : constant String := Requirements.Requirement_Kind'Image (R);
        The_Formatted_Image : String (The_Image'Range);
        for I in The_Image'Range loop
            if The_Image (I) = '_' then
                The_Formatted_Image (I) := ' ';
                Capitalize_Next := True;
            elsif Capitalize_Next then
                The_Formatted_Image (I) := The_Image (I);
                Capitalize_Next := False;
                The_Formatted_Image (I) :=
                   Character'Val (Character'Pos (The_Image (I)) + Offset);
            end if;
        end loop;
        return The_Formatted_Image;
    end Formatted_Image;

    function Image_Contents (Image : in Dc.Image_Id;
                             Contents_Before : in String;
                             First_Line_To_Examine : in Positive;
                             Last_Line_To_Examine : in Natural) return String is
        if First_Line_To_Examine > Last_Line_To_Examine then
            return Contents_Before;
            return Image_Contents
                      (Image => Image,
                       Contents_Before =>
                          Contents_Before & Ascii.Lf &
                                (Id => Image, Line => First_Line_To_Examine),
                       First_Line_To_Examine => First_Line_To_Examine + 1,
                       Last_Line_To_Examine => Last_Line_To_Examine);
        end if;
    end Image_Contents;

    function Image_Contents (Image : in Dc.Image_Id)  
                            return String is
        Last_Line : Natural := Dc.Last_Line (Image);
        if Last_Line = 0 then
            return "";
            return Image_Contents (Image => Image,
                                   Contents_Before =>
                                      Dc.Line_Contents (Id => Image, Line => 1),
                                   First_Line_To_Examine => 2,
                                   Last_Line_To_Examine => Last_Line);
        end if;
    end Image_Contents;

    function Relative_Name (Full_Name : in String; Relative_To : in String)
                           return String is
        pragma Assert (Full_Name'Length >= Relative_To'Length and then
                       Full_Name (Full_Name'First ..
                                     Full_Name'First + Relative_To'Length - 1) =
        return Full_Name  
                  (Full_Name'First + Relative_To'Length + 1 -- Skip the '.'
                       .. Full_Name'Last);
    end Relative_Name;

    procedure Image_Name (Handle : Dc.Gateway_Handle;
                          Visible : Boolean;
                          Read_Only : Boolean;
                          No_Image : out Boolean;
                          Show_Property_Image : out Boolean;
                          Id : out Dc.Image_Identity) is
        Gateway_Object : constant Dir.Object := Gwo.Directory_Object (Handle);
        S : Ss.Condition;
        Show_Property_Image := False;
        Id := (I1 => Dir.Unique (Gateway_Object), I2 => 0);
        No_Image := False;

        if not Read_Only then
            S := Check_Writeable (Handle);
            Logger.Status (S);
        end if;
        when Profile.Error =>
            No_Image := True;
            Logger.Error ("Image construction is quitting after errors",
                          Raise_Error => False);
    end Image_Name;

    procedure Build_Image (Handle : Dc.Gateway_Handle;
                           Visible : Boolean;
                           In_Place : Boolean;
                           First_Time : Boolean;
                           Read_Only : in out Boolean;
                           Image : Dc.Image_Id;
                           No_Image : out Boolean;
                           Underlying_Object : out Directory.Object) is
        E : Dir.Error_Status;
        Gateway_Object : constant Dir.Object := Gwo.Directory_Object (Handle);
        Gateway_Full_Name : constant String :=
           Dna.Get_Full_Name (Gateway_Object);
        Parent_Library : Dir.Object;
        Underlying_Object := Dir.Nil;
        if not Read_Only then
            if Ss.Error (Check_Writeable (Handle)) then
                No_Image := True;
            end if;
        end if;

        Dcp.Parent_Library (The_Object => Gateway_Object,
                            The_Library => Parent_Library,
                            Status => E);
        Logger.Status (E);

           (Image => Image,
            Header => String_Utilities.Capitalize
                         (Relative_Name (Full_Name => Gateway_Full_Name,
                                         Relative_To => Dna.Get_Full_Name
                                                           (Parent_Library))) &
                      " :   " & Formatted_Image
                                   (Asap.Asa_Requirement_Kind (Handle)) & ';');
        Dc.Replace_Lines (Image => Image,
                          Starting_Line => 1,
                          Number_Of_Lines => Dc.Last_Line (Image),
                          New_Text => Asap.Asa_Requirement_Text (Handle));
        No_Image := False;
        when Profile.Error =>
            No_Image := True;
            Logger.Error ("Image construction is quitting after errors",
                          Raise_Error => False);
    end Build_Image;

    procedure Post_Commit (Handle : Dc.Gateway_Handle;  
                           Image : Dc.Image_Id) is
        S : Ss.Condition;
        The_Handle : Dc.Gateway_Handle := Handle;
        if not Gwo.Is_Main_Object_Open_For_Update (Handle) then
            Gwo.Re_Open_Main_Object_For_Update (The_Handle, Errors => S);
            Logger.Status (S);
        end if;
        Asap.Set_Asa_Requirement_Text (The_Handle,
                                       Value => Image_Contents (Image));
        when Profile.Error =>
            Logger.Error ("Image has not been committed", Raise_Error => False);
    end Post_Commit;

    procedure Edit (Handle : Dc.Gateway_Handle;
                    Image : Dc.Image_Id;
                    S : Dc.Selection;
                    C : Dc.Cursor;
                    Visible : Boolean;
                    Allow_Edit : out Boolean) is
        St : Ss.Condition;
        St := Check_Writeable (Handle);
        Logger.Status (St);
        Allow_Edit := True;
        when Profile.Error =>
            Allow_Edit := False;
            Logger.Error ("Edit is quitting after errors",
                          Raise_Error => False);
    end Edit;

    procedure Io_Open (File : in out Device_Independent_Io.File_Type;
                       Mode : Device_Independent_Io.File_Mode;
                       Handle : Dc.Gateway_Handle;
                       Form : String;
                       Action_Id : Action.Id) is
        use Diio;
        pragma Assert (Mode = Diio.In_File);
        Diio.Create (File,  
                     Mode => Diio.Out_File,
                     Name => "",
                     Action_Id => Action_Id);
        Diio.Write (File,  
                    Item => Asap.Asa_Requirement_Text (Handle));
        Diio.Reset (File,  
                    Mode => Diio.In_File);
    end Io_Open;

end Requirement;