Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Rational R1000/400 Tapes

This is an automatic "excavation" of a thematic subset of
artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400 Tapes

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

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Index: ┃ B T

⟦fa86ee04b⟧ TextFile

    Length: 5469 (0x155d)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »B«


└─⟦a7d1ea751⟧ Bits:30000550 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !users!projects 94_04_11
    └─ ⟦129cab021⟧ »DATA« 
└─⟦2f6cfab89⟧ Bits:30000547 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 94-01-04
    └─ ⟦d65440be7⟧ »DATA« 


with Log;
with Profile;
with String_Operations;
with Tms;
procedure Basic_Alpha_Numeric_Underscore_String_Tests is

    package So renames String_Operations;

    type Test_Result is (Pass, Fail);
    Result : Test_Result := Pass;


    if So.Is_Alpha_Numeric_Underscore_String ("") then
        Log.Put_Line ("Failed null string test",
                      Kind => Profile.Error_Msg,
                      Response => Profile.Get);
        Result := Fail;
    end if;

    if not So.Is_Alpha_Numeric_Underscore_String ("_") then
        Log.Put_Line ("Failed single underscore test",
                      Kind => Profile.Error_Msg,
                      Response => Profile.Get);
        Result := Fail;
    end if;

    if not So.Is_Alpha_Numeric_Underscore_String ("__") then
        Log.Put_Line ("Failed double underscore test",
                      Kind => Profile.Error_Msg,
                      Response => Profile.Get);
        Result := Fail;
    end if;

    if So.Is_Alpha_Numeric_Underscore_String ("ad_ABAE028#aaru26mAA") then
        Log.Put_Line ("Failed embedded non-alpha_numeric_underscore test",
                      Kind => Profile.Error_Msg,
                      Response => Profile.Get);
        Result := Fail;
    end if;

    if So.Is_Alpha_Numeric_Underscore_String ("$_7shNNNTsh66") then
        Log.Put_Line ("Failed leading non-alpha_numeric_underscore test",
                      Kind => Profile.Error_Msg,
                      Response => Profile.Get);
        Result := Fail;
    end if;

    if So.Is_Alpha_Numeric_Underscore_String ("02627GARYhs5gaj_uuu+") then
        Log.Put_Line ("Failed ending non-alpha_numeric_underscore test",
                      Kind => Profile.Error_Msg,
                      Response => Profile.Get);
        Result := Fail;
    end if;

    if not So.Is_Alpha_Numeric_Underscore_String ("a") then
        Log.Put_Line ("Failed single alpha test",
                      Kind => Profile.Error_Msg,
                      Response => Profile.Get);
        Result := Fail;
    end if;

    if not So.Is_Alpha_Numeric_Underscore_String ("0") then
        Log.Put_Line ("Failed single numeric test",
                      Kind => Profile.Error_Msg,
                      Response => Profile.Get);
        Result := Fail;
    end if;

    if not So.Is_Alpha_Numeric_Underscore_String ("aA") then
        Log.Put_Line ("Failed 2 char alpha test",
                      Kind => Profile.Error_Msg,
                      Response => Profile.Get);
        Result := Fail;
    end if;

    if not So.Is_Alpha_Numeric_Underscore_String ("96") then
        Log.Put_Line ("Failed 2 char numeric test",
                      Kind => Profile.Error_Msg,
                      Response => Profile.Get);
        Result := Fail;
    end if;

    if not So.Is_Alpha_Numeric_Underscore_String ("abelcigmrerghepqermb") then
        Log.Put_Line ("Failed ""random"" alpha string test",
                      Kind => Profile.Error_Msg,
                      Response => Profile.Get);
        Result := Fail;
    end if;

    if not So.Is_Alpha_Numeric_Underscore_String ("12345678900987654321") then
        Log.Put_Line ("Failed ""random"" numeric string test",
                      Kind => Profile.Error_Msg,
                      Response => Profile.Get);
        Result := Fail;
    end if;

    if not So.Is_Alpha_Numeric_Underscore_String ("0asderv") then
        Log.Put_Line ("Failed leading char numeric test",
                      Kind => Profile.Error_Msg,
                      Response => Profile.Get);
        Result := Fail;
    end if;

    if not So.Is_Alpha_Numeric_Underscore_String ("_0asderv") then
        Log.Put_Line ("Failed leading char underscore test",
                      Kind => Profile.Error_Msg,
                      Response => Profile.Get);
        Result := Fail;
    end if;

    if not So.Is_Alpha_Numeric_Underscore_String ("agadaraa0") then
        Log.Put_Line ("Failed failed ending numeric char test",
                      Kind => Profile.Error_Msg,
                      Response => Profile.Get);
        Result := Fail;
    end if;

    if not So.Is_Alpha_Numeric_Underscore_String ("agadaraa0_") then
        Log.Put_Line ("Failed failed ending underscore char test",
                      Kind => Profile.Error_Msg,
                      Response => Profile.Get);
        Result := Fail;
    end if;

    if not So.Is_Alpha_Numeric_Underscore_String ("sdradramg8asd_rarul") then
        Log.Put_Line ("Failed embedded underscore_numeric char test",
                      Kind => Profile.Error_Msg,
                      Response => Profile.Get);
        Result := Fail;
    end if;

    if not So.Is_Alpha_Numeric_Underscore_String
              ("aZ_saD2d_ra6JWR9a0_2145NJWmGf") then
        Log.Put_Line ("Failed mixed upper-lower case char test",
                      Kind => Profile.Error_Msg,
                      Response => Profile.Get);
        Result := Fail;
    end if;

    if Result = Pass then
        Tms.Register_Result (The_Result => Tms.Pass,
                             Test_Run_Name => "<CURRENT TEST RUN>",
                             Test_Case_Name => "<CURRENT TEST CASE>");
        Tms.Register_Result (The_Result => Tms.Fail,
                             Test_Run_Name => "<CURRENT TEST RUN>",
                             Test_Case_Name => "<CURRENT TEST CASE>");
    end if;

end Basic_Alpha_Numeric_Underscore_String_Tests;