DataMuseum.dkPresents historical artifacts from the history of: Rational R1000/400 Tapes |
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Length: 13917 (0x365d) Types: TextFile Names: »B«
└─⟦85b835f43⟧ Bits:30000549 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Xlib rev 6.00 └─ ⟦0c20f784e⟧ »DATA« └─⟦1abbe589f⟧ └─⟦591c5b094⟧ └─⟦this⟧
with Ada; with Common; with Compilation; with Debug_Tools; with Directory_Tools; with Editor; with Io; with Library; with Log; with Profile; with Time_Utilities; with Ada_Parameterization; procedure Parameterize_Ada_Unit (Unit : String := "@'c(Ada)"; Parms : String := ""; Repromote : Boolean := False; Response : String := "<PROFILE>") is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Copyright 1989 - 1991 by Rational, Santa Clara, California. -- -- All Rights Reserved. -- -- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its -- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, -- provided that the above copyright notice(s) appear in all copies and that -- both that copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in -- supporting documentation, and that the name of Rational not be used in -- advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software -- without specific, written prior permission. -- -- Rational disclaims all warranties with regard to this software, including -- all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness, in no event shall -- Rational be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or -- any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether -- in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out -- of or in connection with the use or performance of this software. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ package Naming renames Directory_Tools.Naming; package Object renames Directory_Tools.Object; Response_Profile : Profile.Response_Profile := Profile.Value (Response); Quit : exception; -- Raised when we want to terminate. -- Total_Parms : constant String := -- "" -- These all apply for R1000's -- & "DEBUG," -- -- & "R1000," -- & "R1000_SIZE_BUG," -- -- & "MULTITASK_LOCKING," -- -- & "ENABLE_DEALLOCATION," -- & "LENGTH_CLAUSES," -- & "RECORD_REP_CLAUSES => FALSE," -- -- & "BIT0_SIGN_BIT => TRUE, " -- & "BYTE0_SIGN_BYTE => TRUE, " -- & "RECORD_REP_STORAGE_UNIT_8 => TRUE, " -- & "POSITIVE_IS_LARGE => TRUE, " -- & "RAW_IS_UNSIGNED => TRUE, " -- & "ROW_MAJOR_ORDER => TRUE, " -- -- & Parms; Temp_File_Name : constant String := "!Machine.Temporary.Parameterize_Ada_Unit_" & Time_Utilities.Image (Time_Utilities.Get_Time, Date_Style => Time_Utilities.Ada, Contents => Time_Utilities.Date_Only) & "_" & Time_Utilities.Image (Time_Utilities.Get_Time, Time_Style => Time_Utilities.Ada, Contents => Time_Utilities.Time_Only); Temp_File : Io.File_Type; --\f function Replace_Old_File (Input : String; Output : String) return Boolean is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Input - Specifies the name of our temporary file -- Output - Specifies the name of our output file. -- -- We compare the contents of the Output file to the contents of the Input -- file. If they are identical then we return False. If they are different -- then we return True. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use Io; Inp_File : File_Type; Out_File : File_Type; Inp_Line : String (1 .. 1024); Out_Line : String (1 .. 1024); Inp_Len : Natural; Out_Len : Natural; Lno : Positive_Count := 1; Pno : Positive_Count := 1; Eof : Boolean := False; Eop : Boolean := False; Eol : Boolean := False; St_I : Natural; St_O : Natural; Fi_I : Natural; Fi_O : Natural; begin ----Open the files for reading. Open (Inp_File, In_File, Input); Open (Out_File, In_File, Output); ----Read them a line at a time. If we hit eof on both then they are the same. begin loop if End_Of_File (Inp_File) and then End_Of_File (Out_File) then Close (Inp_File); Close (Out_File); return False; end if; ----Read a line. Strip off leading and trailing blanks. Get_Line (Inp_File, Inp_Line, Inp_Len); St_I := 1; for I in 1 .. Inp_Len loop if Inp_Line (I) = ' ' or else Inp_Line (I) = Ascii.Ht then St_I := I + 1; else exit; end if; end loop; Fi_I := Inp_Len; for I in reverse St_I .. Inp_Len loop if Inp_Line (I) = ' ' or else Inp_Line (I) = Ascii.Ht then Fi_I := I - 1; else exit; end if; end loop; ----Read a line. Strip off leading and trailing blanks. Get_Line (Out_File, Out_Line, Out_Len); St_O := 1; for I in 1 .. Out_Len loop if Out_Line (I) = ' ' or else Out_Line (I) = Ascii.Ht then St_O := I + 1; else exit; end if; end loop; Fi_O := Out_Len; for I in reverse St_O .. Out_Len loop if Out_Line (I) = ' ' or else Out_Line (I) = Ascii.Ht then Fi_O := I - 1; else exit; end if; end loop; ----Are the two stripped lines the same? if Page (Inp_File) /= Page (Out_File) or else Fi_I - St_I /= Fi_O - St_O or else Inp_Line (St_I .. Fi_I) /= Out_Line (St_O .. Fi_O) then exit; end if; end loop; ----Early eof on one file means they differ. exception when End_Error => null; end; ----The files differ, close them and return. Close (Inp_File); Close (Out_File); return True; end Replace_Old_File; --\f procedure Process_Unit (Unit : String) is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Unit - Specifies the full path name of an Ada unit that we are to process -- -- Called to process a specific unit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ begin ----Announce our intentions. Log.Put_Line ("Process " & Unit, Profile.Positive_Msg, Response_Profile); ----Process the file and turn on/off any parameterizations. Ada_Parameterization.Process_File (Unit, Temp_File_Name); if Replace_Old_File (Unit, Temp_File_Name) then ----Now reduce the source file to Source. Compilation.Demote (Unit => Unit, Goal => Compilation.Source, Limit => "<ALL_WORLDS>", Effort_Only => False, Response => Response); ----Now parse the temp file and replace the original Ada file. declare Old_Version : constant String := Directory_Tools.Naming.Version_Attribute (Directory_Tools.Naming.Unique_Full_Name (Directory_Tools.Naming.Resolution (Unit))); begin Compilation.Parse (File_Name => Temp_File_Name, Directory => Naming.Prefix (Unit) & ".$", List => False, Source_Options => "", Response => Response); ----Silly damn Compilation does not RAISE on errors. Arghhh... -- See if the version number changed. if Old_Version = Directory_Tools.Naming.Version_Attribute (Directory_Tools.Naming.Unique_Full_Name (Directory_Tools.Naming.Resolution (Unit))) then if Profile.Propagate (Response_Profile) then raise Library.Error; end if; end if; end; ----Silly R1000 parser bug; it throws away all form-feeds. Go put them -- back into the image. Editor.Mark.Push (Repeat => 1); Common.Edit (Name => Unit, In_Place => False, Visible => True); Editor.Image.Beginning_Of (Offset => 0); Editor.Search.Replace_Next (Target => "<!E" & "OP!>", Replacement => (1 => Ascii.Ff), Repeat => 99999, Wildcard => False); Ada.Source_Unit; Common.Release (Window => "<IMAGE>"); Editor.Mark.Top; Editor.Mark.Delete_Top; end if; end Process_Unit; --\f function No_Version (Name : String) return String is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Remove the 'V(xxx) version attribute from a name. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ begin for I in reverse Name'Range loop if Name (I) = ''' and then I <= Name'Last - 4 and then Name (I .. I + 2) = "'V(" then for J in I + 3 .. Name'Last loop if Name (J) = ')' then if J = Name'Last then return Name (Name'First .. I - 1); else return Name (Name'First .. I - 1) & Name (J + 1 .. Name'Last); end if; end if; end loop; end if; end loop; end No_Version; --\f procedure Main_Line is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Called to control the performance of the actual work. We resolve the -- possibly wildcarded Ada unit name specification and then we process each -- of the named units one at a time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unit_Iter : Object.Iterator; Unit_Object : Object.Handle; begin ----Announce our presence. Log.Put_Line ("[Parameterize_Ada_Unit (" & Unit & ")]", Profile.Note_Msg, Response_Profile); ----See if there are any Units to process. Unit_Iter := Naming.Resolution ("[" & Unit & "]'c(ada)"); if Object.Done (Unit_Iter) then Log.Put_Line (Unit & " does not match any existing Ada units.", Profile.Error_Msg, Response_Profile); raise Quit; end if; ----Process each Unit. loop Unit_Object := Object.Value (Unit_Iter); declare Name : constant String := No_Version (Naming.Unique_Full_Name (Unit_Object)); begin Process_Unit (Name); end; ----Get the next unit. Object.Next (Unit_Iter); if Object.Done (Unit_Iter) then exit; end if; end loop; ----Now put all units back to Installed. if Repromote then Compilation.Promote (Unit => Unit, Scope => Compilation.Subunits_Too, Goal => Compilation.Installed, Limit => "<WORLDS>", Effort_Only => False, Response => Response); end if; ----Delete the temp file. Compilation.Delete (Unit => Temp_File_Name, Limit => "<WORLDS>", Response => Response & " ~:::"); ----We are all done. Log.Put_Line ("[End Parameterize_Ada_Unit]", Profile.Note_Msg, Response_Profile); return; end Main_Line; --\f ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Process the Units and catch all exceptions that may fly out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ begin Ada_Parameterization.Parameter_Definition (Parms); Main_Line; exception when Quit | Library.Error => Log.Put_Line ("[End Parameterize_Ada_Unit]", Profile.Note_Msg, Response_Profile); raise Library.Error; when others => Log.Put_Line ("Unexpected exception: " & Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name (True, True), Profile.Exception_Msg, Response_Profile); raise; end Parameterize_Ada_Unit;