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Length: 21173 (0x52b5) Types: TextFile Names: »B«
└─⟦a7d1ea751⟧ Bits:30000550 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !users!projects 94_04_11 └─ ⟦129cab021⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧
with Text_Io; with Bounded_Strings; with Look_Ahead; with Error; package body Lexical is Current_Token : Token := L_Eof; Current_Value : Lexeme; The_File : Text_Io.File_Type; Line_Nbr : Positive := 1; Column_Nbr : Natural := 0; Nbr_Length : Natural := 0; package Keywords is function Is_Keyword (The_Lexeme : Lexeme) return Boolean; function Lexeme_To_Token (From : Lexeme) return Token; end Keywords; package body Keywords is type P_Keyword is access String; subtype Keyword_Token is Token range L_Activer .. L_Temporel; type Keywords is array (Keyword_Token) of P_Keyword; All_Keywords : constant Keywords := (new String'("ACTIVER"), new String'("ALORS"), new String'("ATTENDRE"), new String'("AUTEMPS"), new String'("AVEC"), new String'("BINAIRE"), new String'("CATEGORIE"), new String'("DEBUT"), new String'("DESACTIVER"), new String'("DISCRET"), new String'("EFFET"), new String'("EN"), new String'("EST"), new String'("EVOLUER"), new String'("EXPERIENCE"), new String'("FAIRE"), new String'("FIN"), new String'("FOIS"), new String'("FUGITIF"), new String'("IMPLANTATION"), new String'("JUSQUA"), new String'("MATERIEL"), new String'("MOD"), new String'("MODIFIER"), new String'("REPETER"), new String'("SCENE"), new String'("SI"), new String'("SINON"), new String'("SPECTACLE"), new String'("TEMPOREL")); function Is_Keyword (The_Lexeme : Lexeme) return Boolean is Word : constant String := Bounded_Strings.Image (The_Lexeme); begin for I in Keyword_Token loop if All_Keywords (I).all = Word then return True; end if; end loop; return False; end Is_Keyword; function Lexeme_To_Token (From : Lexeme) return Token is Word : constant String := Bounded_Strings.Image (From); begin for I in Keyword_Token loop if All_Keywords (I).all = Word then return I; end if; end loop; return L_Id; end Lexeme_To_Token; end Keywords; package Simulated_Automaton is procedure Next; end Simulated_Automaton; package body Simulated_Automaton is type State is (St_Start, St_Let, St_Minus, St_Comm, St_Great, St_Less, St_Hexa, St_Nbr, St_Minute, St_Hour, St_Word, St_Second, St_Found); subtype Low_Alpha is Character range 'a' .. 'z'; subtype Upp_Alpha is Character range 'A' .. 'Z'; subtype Low_Alpha_Hexa is Character range 'a' .. 'f'; subtype Upp_Alpha_Hexa is Character range 'A' .. 'F'; subtype Digit is Character range '0' .. '9'; The_Look_Ahead : Look_Ahead.Object; Eol_Flag : Boolean := False; procedure File_Next_Char (C : in out Character) is begin if Eol_Flag then Line_Nbr := Line_Nbr + 1; Eol_Flag := False; if not Look_Ahead.Is_Existing (The_Look_Ahead) then Column_Nbr := 1; else Column_Nbr := 0; end if; else Column_Nbr := Column_Nbr + 1; end if; if Look_Ahead.Is_Existing (The_Look_Ahead) then Look_Ahead.Value (The_Look_Ahead, C); else if At_End then C := Ascii.Eot; else if Text_Io.End_Of_Line (The_File) then Text_Io.Skip_Line (The_File); C := Ascii.Lf; Eol_Flag := True; else Text_Io.Get (The_File, C); case C is when Low_Alpha => C := Character'Val (Character'Pos (C) - 32); when others => null; end case; end if; end if; end if; exception when others => Error.Handle ("lors de la lecture du fichier source !", Error.Internal); end File_Next_Char; procedure Calculate_Nbr (Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Tenths : in Natural) is begin Bounded_Strings.Set (Current_Value, Integer'Image (Hours * 3600 * 10 + Minutes * 60 * 10 + Seconds * 10 + Tenths)); exception when Numeric_Error => Bounded_Strings.Set (Current_Value, Integer'Image (0)); end Calculate_Nbr; procedure Next is Current_State : State; Current_Char : Character; Number : Integer; Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Tenths : Natural; begin if not At_End then Bounded_Strings.Free (Current_Value); Hours := 0; Minutes := 0; Seconds := 0; Tenths := 0; Nbr_Length := 0; Current_State := St_Start; loop File_Next_Char (Current_Char); case Current_State is when St_Start => case Current_Char is when Ascii.Eot => Current_Token := L_Eof; Current_State := St_Found; when ' ' | Ascii.Lf | Ascii.Ht => null; when '(' => Current_Token := L_Open; Current_State := St_Found; when ')' => Current_Token := L_Close; Current_State := St_Found; when ',' => Current_Token := L_Comma; Current_State := St_Found; when '.' => Current_Token := L_Point; Current_State := St_Found; when ':' => Current_State := St_Let; when '+' => Current_Token := L_Plus; Current_State := St_Found; when '-' => Current_State := St_Minus; when '*' => Current_Token := L_Star; Current_State := St_Found; when '/' => Current_Token := L_Slash; Current_State := St_Found; when '=' => Current_Token := L_Equ; Current_State := St_Found; when '>' => Current_State := St_Great; when '<' => Current_State := St_Less; when '#' => Current_State := St_Hexa; when Digit => Bounded_Strings.Append (Current_Value, Current_Char); Current_State := St_Nbr; when Upp_Alpha | '_' => Bounded_Strings.Append (Current_Value, Current_Char); Current_State := St_Word; when others => Current_Token := L_Unk; Current_State := St_Found; end case; when St_Let => if Current_Char = '=' then Current_Token := L_Affect; Current_State := St_Found; else Current_Token := L_Unk; Current_State := St_Found; end if; when St_Minus => if Current_Char = '-' then Current_State := St_Comm; else Look_Ahead.Affect (The_Look_Ahead, Current_Char); Current_Token := L_Minus; Current_State := St_Found; end if; when St_Comm => case Current_Char is when Ascii.Lf => Current_State := St_Start; when Ascii.Eot => Current_Token := L_Eof; Current_State := St_Found; when others => null; end case; when St_Great => if Current_Char = '=' then Current_Token := L_Geq; Current_State := St_Found; else Look_Ahead.Affect (The_Look_Ahead, Current_Char); Current_Token := L_Gt; Current_State := St_Found; end if; when St_Less => case Current_Char is when '=' => Current_Token := L_Leq; Current_State := St_Found; when '>' => Current_Token := L_Neq; Current_State := St_Found; when others => Look_Ahead.Affect (The_Look_Ahead, Current_Char); Current_Token := L_Lt; Current_State := St_Found; end case; when St_Hexa => case Current_Char is when Digit | Upp_Alpha_Hexa => Bounded_Strings.Append (Current_Value, Current_Char); when others => Look_Ahead.Affect (The_Look_Ahead, Current_Char); Number := Bounded_Strings.To_Number (Current_Value, 16); Bounded_Strings.Free (Current_Value); Bounded_Strings.Set (Current_Value, Integer'Image (Number)); Current_Token := L_Nbr; Current_State := St_Found; end case; when St_Nbr => case Current_Char is when Digit => Nbr_Length := Nbr_Length + 1; Bounded_Strings.Append (Current_Value, Current_Char); when 'S' => Nbr_Length := Nbr_Length + 1; Seconds := Lexical.Number; Current_State := St_Second; Bounded_Strings.Free (Current_Value); when 'M' => Nbr_Length := Nbr_Length + 1; Current_State := St_Minute; Minutes := Lexical.Number; Bounded_Strings.Free (Current_Value); when 'H' => Nbr_Length := Nbr_Length + 1; Current_State := St_Hour; Hours := Lexical.Number; Bounded_Strings.Free (Current_Value); when others => if Bounded_Strings.Length (Current_Value) /= 0 then Tenths := Lexical.Number; end if; Calculate_Nbr (Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Tenths); Look_Ahead.Affect (The_Look_Ahead, Current_Char); Current_Token := L_Nbr; Current_State := St_Found; end case; when St_Second => if Current_Char in Digit then Nbr_Length := Nbr_Length + 1; Bounded_Strings.Append (Current_Value, Current_Char); else if Bounded_Strings.Length (Current_Value) /= 0 then Tenths := Lexical.Number; end if; Calculate_Nbr (Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Tenths); Look_Ahead.Affect (The_Look_Ahead, Current_Char); Current_Token := L_Nbr; Current_State := St_Found; end if; when St_Minute => case Current_Char is when Digit => Nbr_Length := Nbr_Length + 1; Bounded_Strings.Append (Current_Value, Current_Char); when 'S' => Nbr_Length := Nbr_Length + 1; Seconds := Lexical.Number; Current_State := St_Second; Bounded_Strings.Free (Current_Value); when others => if Bounded_Strings.Length (Current_Value) /= 0 then Tenths := Lexical.Number; end if; Calculate_Nbr (Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Tenths); Look_Ahead.Affect (The_Look_Ahead, Current_Char); Current_Token := L_Nbr; Current_State := St_Found; end case; when St_Hour => case Current_Char is when Digit => Nbr_Length := Nbr_Length + 1; Bounded_Strings.Append (Current_Value, Current_Char); when 'S' => Nbr_Length := Nbr_Length + 1; Current_State := St_Second; Seconds := Lexical.Number; Bounded_Strings.Free (Current_Value); when 'M' => Nbr_Length := Nbr_Length + 1; Current_State := St_Minute; Minutes := Lexical.Number; Bounded_Strings.Free (Current_Value); when others => if Bounded_Strings.Length (Current_Value) /= 0 then Tenths := Lexical.Number; end if; Calculate_Nbr (Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Tenths); Look_Ahead.Affect (The_Look_Ahead, Current_Char); Current_Token := L_Nbr; Current_State := St_Found; end case; when St_Word => case Current_Char is when Upp_Alpha | '_' | Digit => Bounded_Strings.Append (Current_Value, Current_Char); when others => Look_Ahead.Affect (The_Look_Ahead, Current_Char); Current_Token := Keywords.Lexeme_To_Token (Lexical.Value); Current_State := St_Found; end case; when St_Found => null; end case; if Look_Ahead.Is_Existing (The_Look_Ahead) then Column_Nbr := Column_Nbr - 1; end if; exit when Current_State = St_Found; end loop; else Current_Token := L_Eof; end if; end Next; end Simulated_Automaton; procedure Open (File_Name : in String) is begin Text_Io.Open (The_File, Text_Io.In_File, File_Name); exception when Text_Io.Name_Error => -- nom de fichier incorrect Error.Handle (File_Name & " est un nom de fichier incorrect !", Error.Internal); when others => Error.Handle ("lors de l'ouverture du fichier " & File_Name, Error.Internal); end Open; function At_End return Boolean is begin return Text_Io.End_Of_File (The_File); exception when others => Error.Handle ("lors de l'acces au fichier source !", Error.Internal); end At_End; procedure Next is begin Simulated_Automaton.Next; end Next; function Get return Token is begin return Current_Token; end Get; function Value return Lexeme is begin return Current_Value; end Value; function Number return Integer is begin return Integer'Value (Bounded_Strings.Image (Current_Value)); end Number; function Line_Number return Positive is begin return Line_Nbr; end Line_Number; function Column_Number return Positive is begin case Current_Token is when L_Open .. L_Equ => return (Column_Nbr); when L_Affect .. L_Leq => return (Column_Nbr - 1); when L_Nbr => return (Column_Nbr - Nbr_Length); when L_Id .. L_Unk => return (Column_Nbr - Bounded_Strings.Length (Current_Value) + 1); when L_Eof => return 1; end case; end Column_Number; procedure Close is begin Text_Io.Close (The_File); exception when others => Error.Handle ("lors de la fermeture du fichier source !", Error.Internal); end Close; end Lexical;