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Length: 13880 (0x3638) Types: TextFile Names: »B«
└─⟦149519bd4⟧ Bits:30000546 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 93-07-13 └─ ⟦124ff5788⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧ └─⟦a7d1ea751⟧ Bits:30000550 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !users!projects 94_04_11 └─ ⟦129cab021⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧ └─⟦f64eaa120⟧ Bits:30000752 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 93 02 16 └─ ⟦6f12a12be⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧ └─⟦2f6cfab89⟧ Bits:30000547 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 94-01-04 └─ ⟦d65440be7⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧
with Erreur; with Octet; with Mot, Verif_Input, Ihm, Text_Io; package body Memoire is Err_Badvalue : constant Natural := 60; -- TYPES ---------------------------------------------------------------- type Mem is array (0 .. Adresse.Val_Max_Adresse) of Octet.T_Octet; task type T_Memoire is entry Acces_Octet (Operation : T_Operation; Ad : Adresse.T_Adresse; Donnee : in out Octet.T_Octet); entry Even (What_Kind : Ihm.Event.Kind; Field_Name : String; Value : String); end T_Memoire; type T_Dump_Tab is record Present : Boolean; Adr : Adresse.T_Adresse; end record; type Pt_Tache_Memoire is access T_Memoire; -- VARIABLES ------------------------------------------------------------ La_Memoire : Mem := (others => 0); Dump_Tab : array (0 .. 9) of T_Dump_Tab; Aff_Actif : Boolean := False; Tache_Memoire : Pt_Tache_Memoire; Window_Id : Ihm.Window_Id; -- PROCEDURES ---------------------------------------------------------- procedure Reset_Dump_Tab; procedure Creer is begin Tache_Memoire := new T_Memoire; end Creer; -------------------------------------- procedure Open_Window (Wid : Ihm.Window_Id) is begin Window_Id := Wid; Aff_Actif := True; Reset_Dump_Tab; end Open_Window; --------------------------------- function Traiter_Ligne_Hexa (Ligne : String) return Boolean is Defaut : Boolean := False; Ad_Deb_Chargement, Ad_Fin_Chargement, Ad_Chargement : Adresse.T_Adresse; Cpt_Octet, Type_Ligne, Checksum, Un_Octet : Octet.T_Octet := 0; I : Positive; begin if Ligne (1) /= ':' then Defaut := True; else Cpt_Octet := Octet.Convert_Ascii_Octet (Ligne (2), Ligne (3)); Ad_Deb_Chargement := Mot.Convert_Ascii_Mot (Ligne (4), Ligne (5), Ligne (6), Ligne (7)); Type_Ligne := Octet.Convert_Ascii_Octet (Ligne (8), Ligne (9)); Checksum := Octet.Add (Cpt_Octet, Mot.Poids_Fort (Ad_Deb_Chargement)); Checksum := Octet.Add (Checksum, Mot.Poids_Faible (Ad_Deb_Chargement)); Checksum := Octet.Add (Checksum, Type_Ligne); I := 10; if Type_Ligne = 0 then Ad_Fin_Chargement := Mot.Add (Ad_Deb_Chargement, Mot.Construire (0, Cpt_Octet)); -- Chargement de la ligne --------------------- Ad_Chargement := Ad_Deb_Chargement; while Ad_Chargement /= Ad_Fin_Chargement loop Un_Octet := Octet.Convert_Ascii_Octet (Ligne (I), Ligne (I + 1)); I := I + 2; Checksum := Octet.Add (Checksum, Un_Octet); Memoire.Acces_Octet (Ecrire, Ad_Chargement, Un_Octet); Ad_Chargement := Mot.Add (Ad_Chargement, Mot.Construire (0, 1)); end loop; end if; -- Verification du checksum ------------------- Un_Octet := Octet.Convert_Ascii_Octet (Ligne (I), Ligne (I + 1)); Checksum := Octet.Add (Checksum, Un_Octet); if Checksum /= 0 then Defaut := True; end if; end if; if Defaut then -- Erreur sur la lecture du fichier hexa; Erreur.Detectee (6); end if; return Defaut; end Traiter_Ligne_Hexa; -------------------------------------- procedure Charger_Fichier (Nom : String) is Fichier : Text_Io.File_Type; Ligne : String (1 .. 80) := (others => '0'); Longueur : Natural := 0; Defaut : Boolean := False; begin Text_Io.Open (Fichier, Text_Io.In_File, Nom); while not Text_Io.End_Of_File (Fichier) and then not Defaut loop if not Text_Io.End_Of_Line (Fichier) then Text_Io.Get_Line (Fichier, Ligne, Longueur); Defaut := Traiter_Ligne_Hexa (Ligne); else Text_Io.Skip_Line (Fichier); end if; end loop; Text_Io.Close (Fichier); exception when Text_Io.Name_Error => --Nom de fichier Hexa inconnu !!! Erreur.Detectee (5); end Charger_Fichier; -------------------------------------- procedure Acces_Octet (Operation : T_Operation; Ad : Adresse.T_Adresse; Donnee : in out Octet.T_Octet) is begin Tache_Memoire.Acces_Octet (Operation, Ad, Donnee); end Acces_Octet; -------------------------------------- procedure Detruire is begin abort Tache_Memoire.all; end Detruire; -------------------------------------- procedure Dispatch_Event (What_Kind : Ihm.Event.Kind; Field_Name : String; Value : String) is begin Tache_Memoire.Even (What_Kind, Field_Name, Value); end Dispatch_Event; -- TACHE ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Refresh_Dump_Tab_Input (No_Lig : Integer) is begin if Dump_Tab (No_Lig).Present then Ihm.Window.Put_Field (Window_Id, "BB.F1.Input.Lig" & Integer'Image (No_Lig) (2 .. 2), Mot.Convert_Mot_String (Dump_Tab (No_Lig).Adr)); else Ihm.Window.Put_Field (Window_Id, "BB.F1.Input.Lig" & Integer'Image (No_Lig) (2 .. 2), ""); end if; end Refresh_Dump_Tab_Input; procedure Refresh_Dump_Tab_Dump (No_Lig : Integer) is Str_Dump : String (1 .. 47) := (others => ' '); I : Integer := 1; begin if Dump_Tab (No_Lig).Present then for No_Octet in 0 .. 15 loop Octet.Convert_Octet_Ascii (La_Memoire (Dump_Tab (No_Lig).Adr + No_Octet), Str_Dump (I), Str_Dump (I + 1)); I := I + 3; end loop; end if; Ihm.Window.Put_Field (Window_Id, "BB.F2.Dump.Lig" & Integer'Image (No_Lig) (2 .. 2), Str_Dump); end Refresh_Dump_Tab_Dump; procedure Refresh_Dump_Tab_Ascii (No_Lig : Integer) is Str_Ascii : String (1 .. 16) := (others => ' '); I : Integer := 1; begin if Dump_Tab (No_Lig).Present then for No_Octet in 0 .. 15 loop if La_Memoire (Dump_Tab (No_Lig).Adr + No_Octet) >= Character'Pos (' ') and La_Memoire (Dump_Tab (No_Lig).Adr + No_Octet) <= Character'Pos ('~') then Str_Ascii (I) := Character'Val (La_Memoire (Dump_Tab (No_Lig).Adr + No_Octet)); else Str_Ascii (I) := '.'; end if; I := I + 1; end loop; end if; Ihm.Window.Put_Field (Window_Id, "BB.F3.Ascii.Lig" & Integer'Image (No_Lig) (2 .. 2), Str_Ascii); end Refresh_Dump_Tab_Ascii; procedure Refresh_Dump_Tab (No_Lig : Integer) is begin Refresh_Dump_Tab_Input (No_Lig); Refresh_Dump_Tab_Dump (No_Lig); Refresh_Dump_Tab_Ascii (No_Lig); end Refresh_Dump_Tab; procedure Modif_Mem_Aff (Ad : Adresse.T_Adresse) is begin for I in Dump_Tab'Range loop if Dump_Tab (I).Present and then Ad >= Dump_Tab (I).Adr and then Ad <= Dump_Tab (I).Adr + 15 then Refresh_Dump_Tab_Dump (I); Refresh_Dump_Tab_Ascii (I); end if; end loop; end Modif_Mem_Aff; procedure Modif_Mem (Ad : Adresse.T_Adresse; No_Lig : Integer) is begin for I in Dump_Tab'Range loop if Dump_Tab (I).Present and then I /= No_Lig and then Ad >= Dump_Tab (I).Adr and then Ad <= Dump_Tab (I).Adr + 15 then Refresh_Dump_Tab_Dump (I); Refresh_Dump_Tab_Ascii (I); end if; end loop; end Modif_Mem; procedure Reset_Dump_Tab is begin for I in Dump_Tab'Range loop Dump_Tab (I).Present := False; end loop; end Reset_Dump_Tab; procedure Close_Window is begin Aff_Actif := False; end Close_Window; procedure Delete_All is begin Reset_Dump_Tab; for I in Dump_Tab'Range loop Refresh_Dump_Tab (I); end loop; end Delete_All; procedure Input (Value : String; No_Lig : Integer) is begin if Value = "" then Dump_Tab (No_Lig).Present := False; Refresh_Dump_Tab (No_Lig); else if Verif_Input.Is_Hexadecimal_Word_Value (Value) and then Mot.Convert_String_Mot (Value) <= 16#FFF0# then Dump_Tab (No_Lig).Present := True; Dump_Tab (No_Lig).Adr := Mot.Convert_String_Mot (Value); Refresh_Dump_Tab (No_Lig); else Erreur.Detectee (Err_Badvalue); Refresh_Dump_Tab_Input (No_Lig); end if; end if; end Input; procedure Dump (Value : String; No_Lig : Integer) is Donnee : Octet.T_Octet; I : Integer; Ok : Boolean := True; Str : String (1 .. 2); begin if Dump_Tab (No_Lig).Present then I := Value'First; for No_Octet in 0 .. 15 loop Str := Value (I .. I + 1); if not Verif_Input.Is_Hexadecimal_Byte_Value (Str) then Ok := False; end if; if No_Octet /= 15 then I := I + 2; if Value (I) /= ' ' then Ok := False; end if; I := I + 1; end if; end loop; if Ok then I := Value'First; for No_Octet in 0 .. 15 loop Donnee := Octet.Convert_Ascii_Octet (Value (I), Value (I + 1)); La_Memoire (Dump_Tab (No_Lig).Adr + No_Octet) := Donnee; I := I + 3; end loop; Refresh_Dump_Tab_Dump (No_Lig); Refresh_Dump_Tab_Ascii (No_Lig); for J in Dump_Tab'Range loop if Dump_Tab (J).Present and then J /= No_Lig and then ((Dump_Tab (No_Lig).Adr >= Dump_Tab (J).Adr and Dump_Tab (No_Lig).Adr <= Dump_Tab (J).Adr + 15) or (Dump_Tab (No_Lig).Adr + 15 >= Dump_Tab (J).Adr and Dump_Tab (No_Lig).Adr + 15 <= Dump_Tab (J).Adr + 15)) then Refresh_Dump_Tab_Dump (J); Refresh_Dump_Tab_Ascii (J); end if; end loop; else Erreur.Detectee (Err_Badvalue); Refresh_Dump_Tab_Dump (No_Lig); end if; else Erreur.Detectee (Err_Badvalue); Refresh_Dump_Tab_Dump (No_Lig); end if; end Dump; task body T_Memoire is begin while True loop select accept Acces_Octet (Operation : T_Operation; Ad : Adresse.T_Adresse; Donnee : in out Octet.T_Octet) do case Operation is when Lire => Donnee := La_Memoire (Ad); when Ecrire => La_Memoire (Ad) := Donnee; if Aff_Actif then Modif_Mem_Aff (Ad); end if; end case; end Acces_Octet; or accept Even (What_Kind : Ihm.Event.Kind; Field_Name : String; Value : String) do case What_Kind is when Ihm.Event.Pushbutton => if Field_Name = "Cancel" then Close_Window; elsif Field_Name = "DeleteAll" then Delete_All; else Text_Io.Put_Line ("ERROR memoire, invalid field event"); end if; when Ihm.Event.Fieldenter => if Field_Name (1 .. 5) = "Input" then Input (Value, Integer'Value (Field_Name (6 .. 6))); elsif Field_Name (1 .. 4) = "Dump" then Dump (Value, Integer'Value (Field_Name (5 .. 5))); else Text_Io.Put_Line ("ERROR memoire, invalid field event"); end if; when others => Text_Io.Put_Line ("ERROR memoire, invalid field event"); end case; end Even; end select; end loop; end T_Memoire; end Memoire;