Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

RegneCentralen GIER Computer

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artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about RegneCentralen GIER Computer

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

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⟦9ab71aae6⟧ Bits:30000577 GSL 474.13 run (2) 10.08.67, 8-hole paper tape

    Length: 1252 (0x4e4)
    Description: Bits:30000577 GSL 474.13 run (2) 10.08.67
    Types: 8-hole paper tape
    Notes: Gier Text


<-d55+1,iversion _
s> _
bk=d1,i=238,a10,b6 _
da=15 _
b1:pa8t1 a1:ppd13-1,hsc52 qqe5,hsc24 a4h:hha3,mba5 nc0,hh1a1 tl-16,gr261a tln16,gr264a ara8,gr263a arn264a,ar261a sra8,srb3 qqVLT arnb4,sr264a grn-1VLT acn-1MA vyd43,arn2c tl-4,nc7 nc5,grn261a pm264a,hsnc3 lk265a,vk(c4) arna6,sr267a pa1a1ta7 hh1a1NZ hh1a1NA hh1a1LB a3h:hv265a,hsnc2 lkd14,vk(c4) arn3d14,gr2c hha4 a5:qq-1.39-31.7 a6:lkp,hhr-2
a7:tnot present; _
db6=d19-960,b5=25d16 _
b3:qqd16.39+b6.29-b6.33 b4:qqb5.39+b6.29-b6.33 qq
db=259a _
b: qq qq4096.39 qq qqc64-1
<j,iloaderror,run _
s _
> [stop] i=i+39,d=k-d1
bk=d42,i=0,a10 _
a1=d19-960 a=d,<d35,a=1> <d39 i=d2,hs1 hva5
<d36,tres _
qqfa.39 ⨯<d39
tset; _
qqfd35.39 qqfa.39
i[stop] [sum] [062] base,run _
s _
[stop] [clear] ><d39 qq39, qq57, qq52, qqf
trun; _
qqfd.9+b1.19+b1.29 qqf, a5:hs1 hva6
tmove; _
qq50, qqfd.23+d1.39+a1.29-a1.33
trun; _
qqf, a6:hs1 hva7
tsetsum; _
trun; _
qqf, d2=i a7:hsf2 ⨯ i=d48 qqd35.2+11.7+d36.5+d.23+d1.39, qq,
trun; _
qqd.9+b1.19+b1.29 d48=i,qqf > d1=d+d1
e _
e _
i[stop] [sum] [039] run _
s _