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RegneCentralen GIER Computer

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⟦de759855c⟧ Bits:30000627 Opg 698 SQRT(2.) S. Chr. 28.5.62, 8-hole paper tape

    Length: 1676 (0x68c)
    Description: Bits:30000627 Opg 698 SQRT(2.) S. Chr. 28.5.62
    Types: 8-hole paper tape
    Notes: Gier Text, Has10


begin comment program til afprøvning af komplekse kvadratrods- _____ _______
real x, y, u, v; ____
procedure SQRT( x, y, u, v ); _________
value x, y; _____
real x, y, u, v; ____
comment kvadratroden af x + i y er lig med u + i v , idet _______
forgreningssnittet er lagt til venstre langs de negative reelle tals akse;
begin real c, d; _____ ____
if x = 0 then u := v := sign(y)⨯sqrt(abs(y/2)) __ ____
else begin comment her begynder x | 0 ; ____ _____ _______ =
c := sqrt (0.5 ⨯ (sqrt(x∧2 + y∧2) + abs(x))); | |
d := y/2/c ; comment y og d giver fortegnet for v ; _______
if x > 0 then begin u := c ; v := d end __ ____ _____ ___
else begin u := abs(d); v := if y | 0 then sign(y)⨯c ____ _____ __ = ____
else c end ____ ___
end ___
end procedure; ___
comment her starter prøveprogrammet; _______
trykvr; trykml (50); tryktekst (|< <
Prøve af kompleks kvadratrod. SQRT( x +iy ) = u + iv . x = y = u = v =
|); >
T: læs(x,y); trykvr; SQRT (x,y,u,v);
tryk(|+n.dddddd10+dd|, x , trykml(3) , y , trykml(5) , u , trykml(3), v ); < >
go to T __ __
end program; ___
data x,y 1,0, -100,-, 0,1, 100,-, -1,-10-14, -,+10-14, -,0, -7,0.03, 0,0, [end]