Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

RegneCentralen GIER Computer

This is an automatic "excavation" of a thematic subset of
artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about RegneCentralen GIER Computer

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

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⟦703b7c8b1⟧ Bits:30000647 Ret T2 (|< in string), 8-hole paper tape

    Length: 947 (0x3b3)
    Description: Bits:30000647 Ret T2 (|< in string)
    Types: 8-hole paper tape
    Notes: Gier Text


c48:___ ...
a6:___ ...
gm 3b20 ,_it (s) ; save:= char test[s]; .
pt b ,ca d41[<]; if Raddr=t< then __ _ ____
pa s tb NQA ; char test[s]:= separate sheeps from goats;
pm 7a30 VX NQA ; R:= if -,lined then bit 39 __ ____
pm 12a30 X ; else bit 37; ____
pm d17 D ; Maddr:= s_; _
hs c47 ; pack char;
a11:arn (b10)_b10)_ . .
p-36,hrs1_ .
; separate sheeps from goats: b: pa s t [save] ; char test[s]:= save;
gm 3b20 ,ca d41[<]; word3:=M; if goat then __ ____
ud c43 NQB ; strinslevel:= stringlevel-1;
a: hs c49 ; mess1(|<| in string|, 0, 3); < < >
arn (b10) ,qq pd60; R:= tableword[char];
pm 3b20 ,hv (s) ; M:= word3; goto char test[s]; ____
__ ..