Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

RegneCentralen GIER Computer

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artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about RegneCentralen GIER Computer

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⟦7cc6f5f70⟧ Bits:30000667 Demonstrationsprogram Monte Carlo, 8-hole paper tape

    Length: 43505 (0xa9f1)
    Description: Bits:30000667 Demonstrationsprogram Monte Carlo
    Types: 8-hole paper tape
    Notes: Gier Text


begin _____
integerantal spillere,vinder,a,r1,r2,r3,p1,p2,q,t,c,gevinst; _______
boolean fh,lh,rouge,noir,pair,impair,A,B,C,PR,M,D; _______
boolean array p[1:60],b[1:22],r[1:14]; _______ _____
array in,info[1:100]; _____
integer procedure croupier; _______ _________
begin _____
integerstop,k; real x,y; _______ ____
x:=typein; y:=typein; vinder:=0; stop:=entier(100⨯(sqrt(x)+sin(y)));
for k:=1 step 1 until stop do begin ___ ____ _____ __ _____
if vinder=37 then vinder:=0; __ ____
end kstop; ___
end of vind; ___
if kbon then gierproc(|<binout|,1); __ ____ < >
writetext(|< <
Antallet af spillere er:|); >
antal spillere:=typein; om igen:
for t:=1 step 1 until antal spillere do ___ ____ _____ __ _
begin _____
writetext(|< <
Spiller nr.|);write(|nd|,t);writecr; > < >
writetext(|<Indsats:=|); < >
writetext(|< <
Indsatsform:=|);W: >
if a+c=46 then goto tekst else if a+c=68 then goto række else __ ____ ____ ____ __ ____ ____ ____
if a+c=77 then goto blok else if a+c=66 then goto par else __ ____ ____ ____ __ ____ ____ ____
if a+c=64 then goto nummer else __ ____ ____ ____
writechar(29);writetext(|< <
Galt,tast rigtigt her:|);writechar(62); >
goto W; ____
række: r1:=typein;r3:=typein;r2:=typein;
info[t]:=(if r1=0 then 100⨯r2+10⨯r3 else 100⨯r1+10⨯r3+r2); __ ____ ____
goto videre; ____
info[t]:=1000⨯typein+100⨯typein+10⨯typein+typein;goto videre; ____
par: p1:=typein;p2:=typein;
info[t]:=(if ((p1=0)∨(p1=1)∨(p1=2)∨(p1=3))∧((p2=4)∨(p2=5)∨(p2=6)) then __ ____
10⨯p2+p1 else ____
if p1=1∧p2=2 then 37 else if p1=2∧p2=3 then 38 else __ ____ ____ __ ____ ____
if p1=0∧p2=1 then 39 else if p1=0∧p2=2 then 40 else __ ____ ____ __ ____ ____
if p1=0∧p2=3 then 42 else 10⨯p1+p2);goto videre; __ ____ ____ ____
info[t]:=typein;goto videre; ____
tekst: a:=typechar;
if a=39 then __ ____
begin _____
if typechar=49 then begin __ ____ _____
a:=typechar+typechar;info[t]:=-5;goto videre; ____
end else info[t]:=-10;goto videre; ___ ____ ____
end else ___ ____
if a=41 then begin __ ____ _____
a:=typechar+typechar+typechar+typechar;info[t]:=-3;goto videre; ____
end else ___ ____
if a=37 then begin __ ____ _____
a:=typechar+typechar+typechar;info[t]:=-4;goto videre; ____
end else ___ ____
if a=57 then begin __ ____ _____
info[t]:=-6;goto videre; ____
end else ___ ____
if a=54 then begin __ ____ _____
a:=typechar+typechar+typechar+typechar;info[t]:=-1;goto videre; ____
end else ___ ____
if a=35 then begin __ ____ _____
a:=typechar+typechar+typechar;info[t]:=-2;goto videre; ____
end else ___ ____
if a=52 then begin __ ____ _____
a:=typechar;info[t]:=-11;goto videre; ____
end else ___ ____
if a=19 then begin __ ____ _____
a:=typechar;info[t]:=-12;goto videre; ____
end else ___ ____
if a=185 then begin __ ____ _____
if typechar=27 then begin __ ____ _____
info[t]:=-7;goto videre; ____
end else ___ ____
if typechar=27 then begin __ ____ _____
info[t]:=-8;goto videre; ____
end else ___ ____
if typechar=27 then begin __ ____ _____
info[t]:=-9;goto videre; ____
end;end else ___ ___ ____
writechar(29);writetext(|< <
Galt,tast rigtigt her:|);writechar(62); >
goto tekst; ____
end på en spiller; ___
writetext(|< <
Den hvide kugle skal nu rulle.tast to tal mellem 0 og 1:|); >
writetext(|< <
Resultatet blev at nr.|);write(|nd|,a);writetext(|< vandt|); > < > < >
writetext(|<. <
Det medfører at følgende kombinationer har vundet:
|); >
if vinder= 0 then begin __ ____ _____
fh:=false; _____
lh:=false; _____
rouge:=false; _____
noir:=false; _____
pair:=false; _____
impair:=false; _____
A:=false; _____
B:=false; _____
C:=false; _____
PR:=false; _____
M:=false; _____
D:=false; _____
goto x;end of one vinder; ____ ___
if vinder= 1 then begin __ ____ _____
fh:=true; ____
lh:=false; _____
rouge:=false; _____
noir:=true; ____
pair:=false; _____
impair:=true; ____
A:=false; _____
B:=false; _____
C:=true; ____
PR:=true; ____
M:=false; _____
D:=false; _____
goto x;end of one vinder; ____ ___
if vinder= 2 then begin __ ____ _____
fh:=true; ____
lh:=false; _____
rouge:=true; ____
noir:=false; _____
pair:=true; ____
impair:=false; _____
A:=false; _____
B:=true; ____
C:=false; _____
PR:=true; ____
M:=false; _____
D:=false; _____
goto x;end of one vinder; ____ ___
if vinder= 3 then begin __ ____ _____
fh:=true; ____
lh:=false; _____
rouge:=false; _____
noir:=true; ____
pair:=false; _____
impair:=true; ____
A:=true; ____
B:=false; _____
C:=false; _____
PR:=true; ____
M:=false; _____
D:=false; _____
goto x;end of one vinder; ____ ___
if vinder= 4 then begin __ ____ _____
fh:=true; ____
lh:=false; _____
rouge:=true; ____
noir:=false; _____
pair:=true; ____
impair:=false; _____
A:=false; _____
B:=false; _____
C:=true; ____
PR:=true; ____
M:=false; _____
D:=false; _____
goto x;end of one vinder; ____ ___
if vinder= 5 then begin __ ____ _____
fh:=true; ____
lh:=false; _____
rouge:=false; _____
noir:=true; ____
pair:=false; _____
impair:=true; ____
A:=false; _____
B:=true; ____
C:=false; _____
PR:=true; ____
M:=false; _____
D:=false; _____
goto x;end of one vinder; ____ ___
if vinder= 6 then begin __ ____ _____
fh:=true; ____
lh:=false; _____
rouge:=true; ____
noir:=false; _____
pair:=true; ____
impair:=false; _____
A:=true; ____
B:=false; _____
C:=false; _____
PR:=true; ____
M:=false; _____
D:=false; _____
goto x;end of one vinder; ____ ___
if vinder= 7 then begin __ ____ _____
fh:=true; ____
lh:=false; _____
rouge:=true; ____
noir:=false; _____
pair:=false; _____
impair:=true; ____
A:=false; _____
B:=false; _____
C:=true; ____
PR:=true; ____
M:=false; _____
D:=false; _____ _
goto x;end of one vinder; ____ ___
if vinder= 8 then begin __ ____ _____
fh:=true; ____
lh:=false; _____
rouge:=false; _____
noir:=true; ____
pair:=true; ____
impair:=false; _____
A:=false; _____
B:=true; ____
C:=false; _____
PR:=true; ____
M:=false; _____
D:=false; _____
goto x;end of one vinder; ____ ___
if vinder= 9 then begin __ ____ _____
fh:=true; ____
lh:=false; _____
rouge:=true; ____
noir:=false; _____
pair:=false; _____
impair:=true; ____
A:=true; ____
B:=false; _____
C:=false; _____
PR:=true; ____
M:=false; _____
D:=false; _____
goto x;end of one vinder; ____ ___
if vinder=10 then begin __ ____ _____
fh:=true; ____
lh:=false; _____
rouge:=false; _____
noir:=true; ____
pair:=true; ____
impair:=false; _____
A:=false; _____
B:=false; _____
C:=true; ____
PR:=true; ____
M:=false; _____
D:=false; _____
goto x;end of one vinder; ____ ___
if vinder=11 then begin __ ____ _____
fh:=true; ____
lh:=false; _____
rouge:=true; ____
noir:=false; _____
pair:=false; _____
impair:=true; ____
A:=false; _____
B:=true; ____
C:=false; _____
PR:=true; ____
M:=false; _____
D:=false; _____
goto x;end of one vinder; ____ ___
if vinder=12 then begin __ ____ _____
fh:=true; ____
lh:=false; _____
rouge:=false; _____
noir:=true; ____
pair:=true; ____
impair:=false; _____
A:=true; ____
B:=false; _____
C:=false; _____
PR:=true; ____
M:=false; _____
D:=false; _____
goto x;end of one vinder; ____ ___
if vinder=13 then begin __ ____ _____
fh:=true; ____
lh:=false; _____
rouge:=false; _____
noir:=true; ____
pair:=false; _____
impair:=true; ____
A:=false; _____
B:=false; _____
C:=true; ____
PR:=false; _____
M:=true; ____
D:=false; _____
goto x;end of one vinder; ____ ___
if vinder=14 then begin __ ____ _____
fh:=true; ____
lh:=false; _____
rouge:=false; _____
noir:=true; ____
pair:=true; ____
impair:=false; _____
A:=false; _____
B:=true; ____
C:=false; _____
PR:=false; _____
M:=true; ____
D:=false; _____
goto x;end of one vinder; ____ ___
if vinder=15 then begin __ ____ _____
fh:=true; ____
lh:=false; _____
rouge:=false; _____
noir:=true; ____
pair:=false; _____
impair:=true; ____
A:=true; ____
B:=false; _____
C:=false; _____
PR:=false; _____
M:=true; ____
D:=false; _____
goto x;end of one vinder; ____ ___
if vinder=16 then begin __ ____ _____
fh:=true; ____
lh:=false; _____
rouge:=true; ____
noir:=false; _____
pair:=true; ____
impair:=false; _____
A:=false; _____
B:=false; _____
C:=true; ____
PR:=false; _____
M:=true; ____
D:=false; _____
goto x;end of one vinder; ____ ___
if vinder=17 then begin __ ____ _____
fh:=true; ____
lh:=false; _____
rouge:=true; ____
noir:=false; _____
pair:=false; _____
impair:=true; ____
A:=false; _____
B:=true; ____
C:=false; _____
PR:=false; _____
M:=true; ____
D:=false; _____
goto x;end of one vinder; ____ ___
if vinder=18 then begin __ ____ _____
fh:=true; ____
lh:=false; _____
rouge:=true; ____
noir:=false; _____
pair:=true; ____
impair:=false; _____
A:=true; ____
B:=false; _____
C:=false; _____
PR:=false; _____
M:=true; ____
D:=false; _____
goto x;end of one vinder; ____ ___
if vinder=19 then begin __ ____ _____
fh:=false; _____
lh:=true; ____
rouge:=false; _____
noir:=true; ____
pair:=false; _____
impair:=true; ____
A:=false; _____
B:=false; _____
C:=true; ____
PR:=false; _____
M:=true; ____
D:=false; _____
goto x;end of one vinder; ____ ___
if vinder=20 then begin __ ____ _____
fh:=false; _____
lh:=true; ____
rouge:=false; _____
noir:=true; ____
pair:=true; ____
impair:=false; _____
A:=false; _____
B:=true; ____
C:=false; _____
PR:=false; _____
M:=true; ____
D:=false; _____
goto x;end of one vinder; ____ ___
if vinder=21 then begin __ ____ _____
fh:=false; _____
lh:=true; ____
rouge:=false; _____
noir:=true; ____
pair:=false; _____
impair:=true; ____
A:=true; ____
B:=false; _____
C:=false; _____
PR:=false; _____
M:=true; ____
D:=false; _____
goto x;end of one vinder; ____ ___
if vinder=22 then begin __ ____ _____
fh:=false; _____
lh:=true; ____
rouge:=true; ____
noir:=false; _____
pair:=true; ____
impair:=false; _____
A:=false; _____
B:=false; _____
C:=true; ____
PR:=false; _____
M:=true; ____
D:=false; _____
goto x;end of one vinder; ____ ___
if vinder=23 then begin __ ____ _____
fh:=false; _____
lh:=true; ____
rouge:=true; ____
noir:=false; _____
pair:=false; _____
impair:=true; ____
A:=false; _____
B:=true; ____
C:=false; _____
PR:=false; _____
M:=true; ____
D:=false; _____
goto x;end of one vinder; ____ ___
if vinder=24 then begin __ ____ _____
fh:=false; _____
lh:=true; ____
rouge:=true; ____
noir:=false; _____
pair:=true; ____
impair:=false; _____
A:=true; ____
B:=false; _____
C:=true; ____
PR:=false; _____
M:=true; ____
D:=false; _____
goto x;end of one vinder; ____ ___
if vinder=25 then begin __ ____ _____
fh:=false; _____
lh:=true; ____
rouge:=true; ____
noir:=false; _____
pair:=false; _____
impair:=true; ____
A:=false; _____
B:=false; _____
C:=false; _____
PR:=false; _____
M:=false; _____
D:=true; ____
goto x;end of one vinder; ____ ___
if vinder=26 then begin __ ____ _____
fh:=false; _____
lh:=true; ____
rouge:=false; _____
noir:=true; ____
pair:=true; ____
impair:=false; _____
A:=false; _____
B:=true; ____
C:=false; _____
PR:=false; _____
M:=false; _____
D:=true; ____
goto x;end of one vinder; ____ ___
if vinder=27 then begin __ ____ _____
fh:=false; _____
lh:=true; ____
rouge:=true; ____
noir:=false; _____
pair:=false; _____
impair:=true; ____
A:=true; ____
B:=false; _____
C:=false; _____
PR:=false; _____
M:=false; _____
D:=true; ____
goto x;end of one vinder; ____ ___
if vinder=28 then begin __ ____ _____
fh:=false; _____
lh:=true; ____
rouge:=false; _____
noir:=true; ____
pair:=true; ____
impair:=false; _____
A:=false; _____
B:=false; _____
C:=true; ____
PR:=false; _____
M:=false; _____
D:=true; ____
goto x;end of one vinder; ____ ___
if vinder=29 then begin __ ____ _____
fh:=false; _____
lh:=true; ____
rouge:=true; ____
noir:=false; _____
pair:=false; _____
impair:=true; ____
A:=false; _____
B:=true; ____
C:=false; _____
PR:=false; _____
M:=false; _____
D:=true; ____
goto x;end of one vinder; ____ ___
if vinder=30 then begin __ ____ _____
fh:=false; _____
lh:=true; ____
rouge:=false; _____
noir:=true; ____
pair:=true; ____
impair:=false; _____
A:=true; ____
B:=false; _____
C:=false; _____
PR:=false; _____
M:=false; _____
D:=true; ____
goto x;end of one vinder; ____ ___
if vinder=31 then begin __ ____ _____
fh:=false; _____
lh:=true; ____
rouge:=false; _____
noir:=true; ____
pair:=false; _____
impair:=true; ____
A:=false; _____
B:=false; _____
C:=true; ____
PR:=false; _____
M:=false; _____
D:=true; ____
goto x;end of one vinder; ____ ___
if vinder=32 then begin __ ____ _____
fh:=false; _____
lh:=true; ____
rouge:=true; ____
noir:=false; _____
pair:=true; ____
impair:=false; _____
A:=false; _____
B:=true; ____
C:=false; _____
PR:=false; _____
M:=false; _____
D:=true; ____
goto x;end of one vinder; ____ ___
if vinder=33 then begin __ ____ _____
fh:=false; _____
lh:=true; ____
rouge:=false; _____
noir:=true; ____
pair:=false; _____
impair:=true; ____
A:=true; ____
B:=false; _____
C:=false; _____
PR:=false; _____
M:=false; _____
D:=true; ____
goto x;end of one vinder; ____ ___
if vinder=34 then begin __ ____ _____
fh:=false; _____
lh:=true; ____
rouge:=true; ____
noir:=false; _____
pair:=true; ____
impair:=false; _____
A:=false; _____
B:=false; _____
C:=true; ____
PR:=false; _____
M:=false; _____
D:=true; ____
goto x;end of one vinder; ____ ___
if vinder=35 then begin __ ____ _____
fh:=false; _____
lh:=true; ____
rouge:=false; _____
noir:=true; ____
pair:=false; _____
impair:=true; ____
A:=false; _____
B:=true; ____
C:=false; _____
PR:=false; _____
M:=false; _____
D:=true; ____
goto x;end of one vinder; ____ ___
if vinder=36 then begin __ ____ _____
fh:=false; _____
lh:=true; ____
rouge:=true; ____
noir:=false; _____
pair:=true; ____
impair:=false; _____
A:=true; ____
B:=false; _____
C:=false; _____
PR:=false; _____
M:=false; _____
D:=true; ____
goto x;end of one vinder; ____ ___
r[ 1]:=(if (vinder= 1)∨(vinder= 2)∨(vinder= 3) then true else false ); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
r[ 2]:=(if (vinder= 4)∨(vinder= 5)∨(vinder= 6) then true else false ); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
r[ 3]:=(if (vinder= 7)∨(vinder= 8)∨(vinder= 9) then true else false ); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
r[ 4]:=(if (vinder=10)∨(vinder=11)∨(vinder=12) then true else false ); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
r[ 5]:=(if (vinder=13)∨(vinder=14)∨(vinder=15) then true else false ); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
r[ 6]:=(if (vinder=16)∨(vinder=17)∨(vinder=18) then true else false ); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
r[ 7]:=(if (vinder=19)∨(vinder=20)∨(vinder=21) then true else false ); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
r[ 8]:=(if (vinder=22)∨(vinder=23)∨(vinder=24) then true else false ); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
r[ 9]:=(if (vinder=25)∨(vinder=26)∨(vinder=27) then true else false ); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
r[10]:=(if (vinder=28)∨(vinder=29)∨(vinder=30) then true else false ); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
r[11]:=(if (vinder=31)∨(vinder=32)∨(vinder=33) then true else false ); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
r[12]:=(if (vinder=34)∨(vinder=35)∨(vinder=36) then true else false ); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
r[13]:=r[14]:=(if vinder=0 then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
b[ 1]:=(if (vinder= 1)∨(vinder= 2)∨(vinder= 4)∨(vinder= 5) then true else false) __ ____ ____ ____ _____
b[ 2]:=(if (vinder= 4)∨(vinder= 5)∨(vinder= 7)∨(vinder= 8) then true else false) __ ____ ____ ____ _____
b[ 3]:=(if (vinder= 7)∨(vinder= 8)∨(vinder=10)∨(vinder=11) then true else false) __ ____ ____ ____ _____
b[ 4]:=(if (vinder=10)∨(vinder=11)∨(vinder=13)∨(vinder=14) then true else false) __ ____ ____ ____ _____
b[ 5]:=(if (vinder=13)∨(vinder=14)∨(vinder=16)∨(vinder=17) then true else false) __ ____ ____ ____ _____
b[ 6]:=(if (vinder=16)∨(vinder=17)∨(vinder=19)∨(vinder=20) then true else false) __ ____ ____ ____ _____
b[ 7]:=(if (vinder=19)∨(vinder=20)∨(vinder=22)∨(vinder=23) then true else false) __ ____ ____ ____ _____
b[ 8]:=(if (vinder=22)∨(vinder=23)∨(vinder=25)∨(vinder=26) then true else false) __ ____ ____ ____ _____
b[ 9]:=(if (vinder=25)∨(vinder=26)∨(vinder=28)∨(vinder=29) then true else false) __ ____ ____ ____ _____
b[10]:=(if (vinder=28)∨(vinder=29)∨(vinder=31)∨(vinder=32) then true else false) __ ____ ____ ____ _____
b[11]:=(if (vinder=31)∨(vinder=32)∨(vinder=34)∨(vinder=35) then true else false) __ ____ ____ ____ _____
b[12]:=(if (vinder= 2)∨(vinder= 3)∨(vinder= 5)∨(vinder= 6) then true else false) __ ____ ____ ____ _____
b[13]:=(if (vinder= 5)∨(vinder= 6)∨(vinder= 8)∨(vinder= 9) then true else false) __ ____ ____ ____ _____
b[14]:=(if (vinder= 8)∨(vinder= 9)∨(vinder=11)∨(vinder=12) then true else false) __ ____ ____ ____ _____
b[15]:=(if (vinder=11)∨(vinder=12)∨(vinder=14)∨(vinder=15) then true else false) __ ____ ____ ____ _____
b[16]:=(if (vinder=14)∨(vinder=15)∨(vinder=17)∨(vinder=18) then true else false) __ ____ ____ ____ _____
b[17]:=(if (vinder=17)∨(vinder=18)∨(vinder=20)∨(vinder=21) then true else false) __ ____ ____ ____ _____
b[18]:=(if (vinder=20)∨(vinder=21)∨(vinder=23)∨(vinder=24) then true else false) __ ____ ____ ____ _____
b[19]:=(if (vinder=23)∨(vinder=24)∨(vinder=26)∨(vinder=27) then true else false) __ ____ ____ ____ _____
b[20]:=(if (vinder=26)∨(vinder=27)∨(vinder=29)∨(vinder=30) then true else false) __ ____ ____ ____ _____
b[21]:=(if (vinder=29)∨(vinder=30)∨(vinder=32)∨(vinder=33) then true else false) __ ____ ____ ____ _____
b[22]:=(if (vinder=32)∨(vinder=33)∨(vinder=35)∨(vinder=36) then true else false) __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[ 1]:=(if (vinder= 1)∨(vinder= 4) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[ 2]:=(if (vinder= 4)∨(vinder= 7) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[ 3]:=(if (vinder= 7)∨(vinder=10) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[ 4]:=(if (vinder=10)∨(vinder=13) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[ 5]:=(if (vinder=13)∨(vinder=16) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[ 6]:=(if (vinder=16)∨(vinder=19) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[ 7]:=(if (vinder=19)∨(vinder=22) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[ 8]:=(if (vinder=22)∨(vinder=25) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[ 9]:=(if (vinder=25)∨(vinder=28) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[10]:=(if (vinder=28)∨(vinder=31) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[11]:=(if (vinder=31)∨(vinder=34) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[12]:=(if (vinder= 2)∨(vinder= 5) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[13]:=(if (vinder= 5)∨(vinder= 8) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[14]:=(if (vinder= 8)∨(vinder=11) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[15]:=(if (vinder=11)∨(vinder=14) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[16]:=(if (vinder=14)∨(vinder=17) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[17]:=(if (vinder=17)∨(vinder=20) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[18]:=(if (vinder=20)∨(vinder=23) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[19]:=(if (vinder=23)∨(vinder=26) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[20]:=(if (vinder=26)∨(vinder=29) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[21]:=(if (vinder=29)∨(vinder=32) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[22]:=(if (vinder=32)∨(vinder=35) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[23]:=(if (vinder= 3)∨(vinder= 6) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[24]:=(if (vinder= 6)∨(vinder= 9) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[25]:=(if (vinder= 9)∨(vinder=12) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[26]:=(if (vinder=12)∨(vinder=15) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[27]:=(if (vinder=15)∨(vinder=18) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[28]:=(if (vinder=18)∨(vinder=21) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[29]:=(if (vinder=21)∨(vinder=24) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[30]:=(if (vinder=24)∨(vinder=27) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[31]:=(if (vinder=27)∨(vinder=30) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[32]:=(if (vinder=30)∨(vinder=33) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[33]:=(if (vinder=33)∨(vinder=36) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[34]:=(if (vinder= 1)∨(vinder= 2) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[35]:=(if (vinder= 4)∨(vinder= 5) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[36]:=(if (vinder= 7)∨(vinder= 8) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[37]:=(if (vinder=10)∨(vinder=11) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[38]:=(if (vinder=13)∨(vinder=14) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[39]:=(if (vinder=16)∨(vinder=17) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[40]:=(if (vinder=19)∨(vinder=20) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[41]:=(if (vinder=22)∨(vinder=23) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[42]:=(if (vinder=25)∨(vinder=26) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[43]:=(if (vinder=28)∨(vinder=29) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[44]:=(if (vinder=31)∨(vinder=32) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[45]:=(if (vinder=34)∨(vinder=35) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[46]:=(if (vinder= 2)∨(vinder= 3) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[47]:=(if (vinder= 5)∨(vinder= 6) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[48]:=(if (vinder= 8)∨(vinder= 9) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[49]:=(if (vinder=11)∨(vinder=12) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[50]:=(if (vinder=14)∨(vinder=15) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[51]:=(if (vinder=17)∨(vinder=18) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[52]:=(if (vinder=20)∨(vinder=21) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[53]:=(if (vinder=23)∨(vinder=24) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[54]:=(if (vinder=26)∨(vinder=27) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[55]:=(if (vinder=29)∨(vinder=30) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[56]:=(if (vinder=32)∨(vinder=33) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[57]:=(if (vinder=35)∨(vinder=36) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[58]:=(if (vinder=0)∨(vinder=1) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[59]:=(if (vinder=0)∨(vinder=2) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
p[60]:=(if (vinder=0)∨(vinder=3) then true else false); __ ____ ____ ____ _____
if rouge then writechar(29) else writechar(62); __ ____ ____
if fh then writetext(|<First Half|)elsewritetext(|<Last half|); __ ____ < > ____ < >
if rouge then writetext(|<,Rouge|) else writetext(|<,Noir|); __ ____ < > ____ < >
if pair then writetext(|<,Pair|) else writetext(|<,Impair|); __ ____ < > ____ < >
if -,(PR∨M) then writetext(|<,Troisieme Douzain|) else if PR then __ ____ < > ____ __ ____
writetext(|<,Premier Douzain|) else writetext(|<,Deuxieme Douzain|); < > ____ < >
if -,(B∨C) then writetext(|<,I|) else if B then writetext(|<,II|) else __ ____ < > ____ __ ____ < > ____
writetext(|<,III|); < >
writetext(|<.|);writecr; < >
for q:=1 step 1 until antal spillere do ___ ____ _____ __
begin _____
if info[q]=-1∧fh then begin gevinst:=2⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;endof DEMONSTRATIONSPR __ ____ _____ ____ ___
if info[q]=-2∧lh then begin gevinst:=2⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end; __ ____ _____ ____ ___
if info[q]=-3∧rouge then begin gevinst:=2⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end; __ ____ _____ ____ ___
if info[q]=-4∧noir then begin gevinst:=2⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end; __ ____ _____ ____ ___
if info[q]=-5∧pair then begin gevinst:=2⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end; __ ____ _____ ____ ___
if info[q]=-6∧impair then begin gevinst:=2⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end; __ ____ _____ ____ ___
if info[q]=-7∧A then begin gevinst:=3⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end; __ ____ _____ ____ ___
if info[q]=-8∧B then begin gevinst:=3⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end; __ ____ _____ ____ ___
if info[q]=-9∧C then begin gevinst:=3⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end; __ ____ _____ ____ ___
if info[q]=-10∧PR then begin gevinst:=3⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end; __ ____ _____ ____ ___
if info[q]=-11∧M then begin gevinst:=3⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end; __ ____ _____ ____ ___
if info[q]=-12∧D then begin gevinst:=3⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end;if info[q]=41∧p[ 1 __ ____ _____ ____ ___ __
] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]= 47∧p[ 2] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]= 80∧p[ 3] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=113∧p[ 4] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=146∧p[ 5] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=179∧p[ 6] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=212∧p[ 7] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=245∧p[ 8] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=278∧p[ 9] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=311∧p[10] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=344∧p[11] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=52∧p[12] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]= 58∧p[13] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]= 91∧p[14] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=124∧p[15] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=157∧p[16] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=190∧p[17] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=223∧p[18] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=256∧p[19] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=289∧p[20] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=322∧p[21] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=355∧p[22] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=63∧p[23] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]= 69∧p[24] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=102∧p[25] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=135∧p[26] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=168∧p[27] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=201∧p[28] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=234∧p[29] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=267∧p[30] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=300∧p[31] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=333∧p[32] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=366∧p[33] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=37∧p[34] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]= 45∧p[35] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]= 78∧p[36] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=111∧p[37] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=144∧p[38] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=177∧p[39] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=210∧p[40] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=243∧p[41] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=276∧p[42] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=309∧p[43] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=342∧p[44] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=375∧p[45] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=38∧p[46] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]= 56∧p[47] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]= 89∧p[48] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=122∧p[49] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=155∧p[50] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=188∧p[51] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=221∧p[52] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=254∧p[53] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=287∧p[54] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=320∧p[55] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=353∧p[56] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=386∧p[57] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=39∧p[58] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=40∧p[59] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=42∧p[60] then begin gevinst:=18⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]= 1245∧b[ 1] then begin gevinst:=9⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]= 4578∧b[ 2] then begin gevinst:=9⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]= 7911∧b[ 3] then begin gevinst:=9⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=11244∧b[ 4] then begin gevinst:=9⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=14577∧b[ 5] then begin gevinst:=9⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=17910∧b[ 6] then begin gevinst:=9⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=21243∧b[ 7] then begin gevinst:=9⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=24576∧b[ 8] then begin gevinst:=9⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=27909∧b[ 9] then begin gevinst:=9⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=31242∧b[10] then begin gevinst:=9⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=34575∧b[11] then begin gevinst:=9⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]= 2356∧b[12] then begin gevinst:=9⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]= 5689∧b[13] then begin gevinst:=9⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]= 9022∧b[14] then begin gevinst:=9⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=12355∧b[15] then begin gevinst:=9⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=15688∧b[16] then begin gevinst:=9⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=19021∧b[17] then begin gevinst:=9⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=22354∧b[18] then begin gevinst:=9⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=25687∧b[19] then begin gevinst:=9⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=29020∧b[20] then begin gevinst:=9⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=32353∧b[21] then begin gevinst:=9⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=35686∧b[22] then begin gevinst:=9⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]= 123∧r[ 1] then begin gevinst:=12⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]= 456∧r[ 2] then begin gevinst:=12⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]= 789∧r[ 3] then begin gevinst:=12⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=1122∧r[ 4] then begin gevinst:=12⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=1455∧r[ 5] then begin gevinst:=12⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=1788∧r[ 6] then begin gevinst:=12⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=2121∧r[ 7] then begin gevinst:=12⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=2454∧r[ 8] then begin gevinst:=12⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=2787∧r[ 9] then begin gevinst:=12⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=3120∧r[10] then begin gevinst:=12⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=3453∧r[11] then begin gevinst:=12⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=3786∧r[12] then begin gevinst:=12⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=210∧r[13] then begin gevinst:=12⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]=320∧r[14] then begin gevinst:=12⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end else __ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____
if info[q]= 0∧vinder= 0 then begin gevinst:=36⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end; __ ____ _____ ____ ___
if info[q]= 1∧vinder= 1 then begin gevinst:=36⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end; __ ____ _____ ____ ___
if info[q]= 2∧vinder= 2 then begin gevinst:=36⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end; __ ____ _____ ____ ___
if info[q]= 3∧vinder= 3 then begin gevinst:=36⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end; __ ____ _____ ____ ___
if info[q]= 4∧vinder= 4 then begin gevinst:=36⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end; __ ____ _____ ____ ___
if info[q]= 5∧vinder= 5 then begin gevinst:=36⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end; __ ____ _____ ____ ___
if info[q]= 6∧vinder= 6 then begin gevinst:=36⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end; __ ____ _____ ____ ___
if info[q]= 7∧vinder= 7 then begin gevinst:=36⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end; __ ____ _____ ____ ___
if info[q]= 8∧vinder= 8 then begin gevinst:=36⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end; __ ____ _____ ____ ___
if info[q]= 9∧vinder= 9 then begin gevinst:=36⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end; __ ____ _____ ____ ___
if info[q]=10∧vinder=10 then begin gevinst:=36⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end; __ ____ _____ ____ ___
if info[q]=11∧vinder=11 then begin gevinst:=36⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end; __ ____ _____ ____ ___
if info[q]=12∧vinder=12 then begin gevinst:=36⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end; __ ____ _____ ____ ___
if info[q]=13∧vinder=13 then begin gevinst:=36⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end; __ ____ _____ ____ ___
if info[q]=14∧vinder=14 then begin gevinst:=36⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end; __ ____ _____ ____ ___
if info[q]=15∧vinder=15 then begin gevinst:=36⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end; __ ____ _____ ____ ___
if info[q]=16∧vinder=16 then begin gevinst:=36⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end; __ ____ _____ ____ ___
if info[q]=17∧vinder=17 then begin gevinst:=36⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end; __ ____ _____ ____ ___
if info[q]=18∧vinder=18 then begin gevinst:=36⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end; __ ____ _____ ____ ___
if info[q]=19∧vinder=19 then begin gevinst:=36⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end; __ ____ _____ ____ ___
if info[q]=20∧vinder=20 then begin gevinst:=36⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end; __ ____ _____ ____ ___
if info[q]=21∧vinder=21 then begin gevinst:=36⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end; __ ____ _____ ____ ___
if info[q]=22∧vinder=22 then begin gevinst:=36⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end; __ ____ _____ ____ ___
if info[q]=23∧vinder=23 then begin gevinst:=36⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end; __ ____ _____ ____ ___
if info[q]=24∧vinder=24 then begin gevinst:=36⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end; __ ____ _____ ____ ___
if info[q]=25∧vinder=25 then begin gevinst:=36⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end; __ ____ _____ ____ ___
if info[q]=26∧vinder=26 then begin gevinst:=36⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end; __ ____ _____ ____ ___
if info[q]=27∧vinder=27 then begin gevinst:=36⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end; __ ____ _____ ____ ___
if info[q]=28∧vinder=28 then begin gevinst:=36⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end; __ ____ _____ ____ ___
if info[q]=29∧vinder=29 then begin gevinst:=36⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end; __ ____ _____ ____ ___
if info[q]=30∧vinder=30 then begin gevinst:=36⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end; __ ____ _____ ____ ___
if info[q]=31∧vinder=31 then begin gevinst:=36⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end; __ ____ _____ ____ ___
if info[q]=32∧vinder=32 then begin gevinst:=36⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end; __ ____ _____ ____ ___
if info[q]=33∧vinder=33 then begin gevinst:=36⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end; __ ____ _____ ____ ___
if info[q]=34∧vinder=34 then begin gevinst:=36⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end; __ ____ _____ ____ ___
if info[q]=35∧vinder=35 then begin gevinst:=36⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end; __ ____ _____ ____ ___
if info[q]=36∧vinder=36 then begin gevinst:=36⨯in[q];goto Gevinst;end;gevinst:=0 __ ____ _____ ____ ___
writetext(|<Spiller nr.|);write(|nd|,q); < > < >
writetext(|< vandt:|); < >
write(|ndd ddd ddd ddd|,gevinst);writecr; < >
end på qspiller; ___
writetext(|< <
Hvis nyt spil med samme antal spillere ønskes saaaaa skriv her ja. eller nej:
|); >
if typechar+typechar+typechar=141 then goto om igen; __ ____ ____
[stop] [end]