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How to prepare SCSI2SD for R1000 use
The parameters in this document makes the SCSI2SD look like two Fujitsu M2266 drives.
1. Download the two disk images from The BitStore
2. Insert the SD card in SCSI2SD, connect SCSI2SD to a computer with USB cable
3. Launch the `scsi2sd-util6` program. It has to run as root, and it needs X-windows access.
4. Change the following settings:
General Settings: "Enable SCSI terminator" -> off "Enable parity" -> on "Enable SCSI2 Mode" -> on Device 1: "SD card start sector" -> Check that it is zero "Sector size (bytes" -> 1024 "Sector count" -> 1117125 Device 2: "Enable SCSI Target" -> on "SD card start sector" press "Auto" (Should become 2234250 = 1117125 * 2) "Sector size (bytes" -> 1024 "Sector count" -> 1117125
5. Save config to XML file
File -> Save to file -> /tmp/_r1k.xml
6. Edit drive geometry in XML file
${EDITOR} /tmp/_r1k.xml For both drive zero and one: Change <sectorsPerTrack>63</sectorsPerTrack> -> 45 Change <headsPerCylinder>255</headsPerCylinder> -> 15
7. Load the XML file
File -> Open File -> /tmp/_r1k.xml
8. Write configuration to SCSI2SD
File -> Save to device
9. Write disk images to SD card
This can be done via the USB cable and SCSI2D, which should now provide two disk devices to the computer. dd if=R1K_PAM_Disk_0_Image.BIN of=/dev/da0 bs=64k dd if=R1K_PAM_Disk_1_Image.BIN of=/dev/da1 bs=64k This is much faster: Attach SD card directly to computer (using Flash-USB adapter if needed) cat R1K_PAM_Disk_?_Image.BIN | dd obs=64k conv=osync of=/dev/da0 In both cases, a sanity-check can be performed with the SD card back in SCSI2SD: cmp -x /dev/da0 R1K_PAM_Disk_0.Image.BIN (CTRL-C after some seconds) cmp -x /dev/da1 R1K_PAM_Disk_1.Image.BIN (CTRL-C after some seconds)