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Metadata Stored File Excavation Format Size Date Description/Filename
Bits:30007878 30007878 BINARY 256,256 (Demostrations diskette af 1981 Frederikshavn Gymnasium Område : LIB Nøgle : 1)
Bits:30007880 30007880 BINARY 256,256 (LD F00 REV. 00.00)
Bits:30007874 30007874 BINARY 256,256 (PROGRAM DISKETTE 29.12.80 OMRÅDE: LIB NØGLE: 1)
Bits:30007877 30007877 BINARY 256,256 (PROGRAM DISKETTE 80.04.08 (KOPI 2) OMRÅDER: LIB KEY: 1)
Bits:30007879 30007879 BINARY 256,256 (RC BASIC/COMAL REV 1.27 Frederikshavn Gymnasium ABS.BIN 1979.09.24/NBA)
Bits:30004185 30004185 PDF 25,484,088 1977 Hurtig referencebog i COMAL II - 1977
Bits:30000005 30000005 PDF 313,746 1977-03 RCSL-31-D-420 - RC BASIC SYSTEM, LOGICAL DISC FORMATTING PROGRAM, OPERATING GUIDE - March 1977
Bits:30000044 30000044 PDF 59,605,425 1977-09 RCSL-42-I-671 - RCBASIC A Structured Educational Language COMAL Programming Guide - 1977-09-00
Bits:30000008 30000008 PDF 1,438,299 1978-04 RCSL-42-I-784 - Introduction to RC BASIC/COMAL -- A Structured Programming Language - April 1978
Bits:30000084 30000084 PDF 3,136,702 1977-08 RCSL-43-GL-5069 - RC BASIC SYSTEM, LOGICAL DISC FORMATTING PROGRAM, OPERATING GUIDE - August 1977
Bits:30000134 30000134 PDF 3,219,517 1978-02 RCSL-43-GL-6266 - RC BASIC, System Installation - February 1978
Bits:30000135 30000135 PDF 4,172,514 1978-05 RCSL-43-GL-6267 - RC BASIC, Operating Guide - May 1978
Bits:30000136 30000136 PDF 7,856,088 1978-04 RCSL-43-GL-6678 - Assembler Coded Subroutines (CALL-routines) in RC BASIC (RC3600/RC7000) Programmer's Guide - April 1978
Bits:30000137 30000137 PDF 2,523,217 1978-05 RCSL-43-GL-6940 - RC BASIC Corrections (no. 1) to the RC BASIC Programming Guide - May 1978
Bits:30000138 30000138 PDF 4,786,222 1978-07 RCSL-43-GL-7378 - RC BASIC Generering af systemer under DOMUS på flexible disc. - Juli 1978
Bits:30000139 30000139 PDF 1,652,651 1978-08 RCSL-43-GL-7522 - RCBASIC Logical Disc Resetting Program LDRES Operating Guide - 1978-08-00
Bits:30000140 30000140 PDF 2,339,992 1978-08 RCSL-43-GL-7523 - RCBASIC BCOPY Operating Guide - 1978-08-00
Bits:30000141 30000141 PDF 4,059,222 1978-10 RCSL-43-GL-7914 - RC BASIC Corrections (no. 2) to the RC BASIC Programming Guide - October 1978
Bits:30000488 30000488 PDF 12,082,716 1979-10 RCSL-43-GL-9609 - RC BASIC/COMAL, Corrections (no. 3) to the RC BASIC Programming Guide - October 1979
Bits:30000114 30000114 PDF 17,433,680 1979-12 RCSL-43-GL-9698 - Assembler Coded Subroutines (CALL-routines) in RC BASIC (RC3600/RC7000) Programmer's Guide - December 1979
Bits:30000203 30000203 PDF 5,496,787 1974-09 RCSL-44-RT-842 - Vejledning i brugen af RC Batch-BASIC Stregkort og forslag til afvikling af RC Batch-BASIC Kørsler - September 1974

1 entries with higher protection not shown.

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