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Metadata Stored File Excavation Format Size Date Description/Filename
Bits:30002324 30002324 PDF 79,724 2008 Dataopsamling og procesregulering vha. datamater - 2008
Bits:30001922 30001922 PDF 3,354,321 1966-03 Design Considerations for the RC 4000 Computer - March, 1966
Bits:30002321 30002321 PDF 419,070 1966-12-04 For 1 milliard nye datamaskiner - 4. december 1966
Bits:30002323 30002323 PDF 2,933,149 Forsider af RC4000 manualerne
Bits:30002322 30002322 PDF 1,840,144 1969-09-08 Ny EDB-filosofi fra Regnecentralen - 8. september 1969
Bits:30002317 30002317 PDF 1,087,604 1968-10-11 Ny dansk edb-maskine med store chancer på verdensmarkedet - 11. oktober 1968
Bits:30001913 30001913 PDF 2,068,741 1969-06 RC 4000 Computer Reference Manual - 2. Edition - June 1969
Bits:30006844 30006844 PDF 42,842 1969-09-15 RC 4000 SALGSPRISER PR. 1 10. 1969 - 15. 9. 1969
Bits:30007004 30007004 PDF 7,747,902 1967-04 RC 4000 brochure - April 1967
Bits:30001918 30001918 PDF 843,860 1968 RC 4000 - en dansk tredjegenerations datamaskine - 1968
Bits:30000004 30000004 PDF 13,818,772 1974 RCSL-31-D-300 - Monitor 3, 2nd edition - 1974
Bits:30007248 30007248 PDF 76,953,424 1974-08 RCSL-31-D-522 - Algol 6 User's Manual - 1974-08
Bits:30007032 30007032 PDF 829,946 RCSL-42-I-0867 - RC 800/21-22 Terminal Koncentrator
Bits:30007033 30007033 PDF 429,533 RCSL-42-I-0868 - RC 800/21-22 Terminal Concentrator
Bits:30005004 30005004 PDF 6,787,269 1970-04 RCSL-51-VB-835 - Planlægning af datamaskinesystemer til instrumentering og processtyring - 1970-04
Bits:30006516 30006516 PDF 2,829,420 RCSL-82-H-0001 - Regnecentralen - A Dynamic Workshop in Datamatics
Bits:30006517 30006517 PDF 4,545,201 RCSL-82-H-0002 - RC 4000 - A General-purpose Computer Of The Third Generation
Bits:30006518 30006518 PDF 2,276,781 RCSL-82-H-0003 - RC 4000 Software
Bits:30006519 30006519 PDF 4,606,066 RCSL-82-H-0004 - RC 4000 Computer
Bits:30006520 30006520 PDF 2,419,368 RCSL-82-H-0005 - RC 315 Input/output Typewriter and RC 4121 Input/output Typewriter Controller
Bits:30006521 30006521 PDF 2,471,457 RCSL-82-H-0006 - RC 150 Paper Tape Punch and RC 4171 Paper Tape Punch Controller
Bits:30006522 30006522 PDF 2,625,145 RCSL-82-H-0007 - RC 2000 Paper Tape Reader and RC 4161 Paper Tape Reader Controller
Bits:30006523 30006523 PDF 2,544,589 RCSL-82-H-0008 - RC 4060 and 4061 Input/output Controller Cabinets
Bits:30006524 30006524 PDF 2,439,955 RCSL-82-H-0009 - RC 4320 Magnetic Drum Store
Bits:30006525 30006525 PDF 2,559,415 RCSL-82-H-0010 - RC 433 Magnetic Disc Store and RC 4314 Magnetic Disc Store Controller
Bits:30006526 30006526 PDF 2,651,755 RCSL-82-H-0011 - RC 707 Magnetic Tape Station and RC 4311 Magnetic Tape Station Controller
Bits:30006527 30006527 PDF 2,716,724 RCSL-82-H-0012 - RC 709 Magnetic Tape Station and RC 4310 Magnetic Tape Station Controller
Bits:30006528 30006528 PDF 2,497,572 RCSL-82-H-0013 - RC 610 Line Printer
Bits:30006529 30006529 PDF 2,634,651 RCSL-82-H-0014 - RC 405 Punched Card Reader and RC 4317 Punched Card Reader Controller
Bits:30006530 30006530 PDF 2,585,846 RCSL-82-H-0015 - RC 4191 Incremental Plotter Controller
Bits:30006531 30006531 PDF 2,426,077 RCSL-82-H-0016 - RC 4193 Drafting Machine Controller
Bits:30006532 30006532 PDF 2,562,847 RCSL-82-H-0017 - RC 1600 Graphic Converter
Bits:30006533 30006533 PDF 2,605,632 RCSL-82-H-0018 - RC 3000 Converter System
Bits:30006534 30006534 PDF 2,356,361 RCSL-82-H-0019 - RC 4000 Software Packages
Bits:30006535 30006535 PDF 2,579,309 RCSL-82-H-0020 - RC 4000’s Dynamic Operating System Concept
Bits:30006536 30006536 PDF 2,465,483 RCSL-82-H-0021 - Monitor 1
Bits:30006537 30006537 PDF 2,416,956 RCSL-82-H-0022 - Algol 5
Bits:30006538 30006538 PDF 2,349,767 RCSL-82-H-0023 - Slang 3
Bits:30006539 30006539 PDF 2,315,443 RCSL-82-H-0024 - Utility 3
Bits:30006540 30006540 PDF 2,147,377 RCSL-82-H-0025 - Mathematical Procedure Library
Bits:30006541 30006541 PDF 2,404,145 RCSL-82-H-0026 - Diagnostic Programs
Bits:30006542 30006542 PDF 2,462,965 RCSL-82-H-0027 - RC 328 Teletypewriter Terminal and RC 4123 Telemultiplexer
Bits:30006543 30006543 PDF 2,370,127 RCSL-82-H-0028 - RC 4195 Graphic Display Terminal
Bits:30006544 30006544 PDF 2,548,487 RCSL-82-H-0037 - FORTRAN
Bits:30005023 30005023 PDF 4,280,233 1970-04 RCSL-82-Q-0021 - RC 4000 Specifications - word list - 1970-04
Bits:30005024 30005024 PDF 1,788,163 1970-08 RCSL-82-Q-0028 - RC433 Magnetic Disc Store and RC4318 Magnetic Disc Store Controller - 1970-08
Bits:30005047 30005047 PDF 9,938,704 1970-09 RCSL-82-Q-0044 - Regnecentralen på processtyringsområdet - 1970-09
Bits:30006545 30006545 PDF 6,908,604 1971-01 RCSL-82-Q-0092 - RC 4000 Process Control Equipment - 1971-01
Bits:30001917 30001917 PDF 453,228 1966-11-01 Rapport over Pulawy-projektet - 1.11.1966
Bits:30001921 30001921 PDF 219,985 1966-12-02 Regnecentralen har udviklet en ny datamaskine - GIERs efterfølger - 2. december 1966
Bits:30001923 30001923 PDF 3,928,168 1968-07-15 Samarbejde mellem leverandør og bruger ved indførelse af datamaskiner i processtyringen - 15. juli 1968
Bits:30007055 30007055 PDF 3,437,247 1963 Stor elektronregnemaskine til Regnecentralen - 4/5 1963
Bits:30001914 30001914 PDF 464,710 1967-06-14 The Logical Structure of the RC 4000 Computer - 12-14 june 1967
Bits:30002318 30002318 PDF 652,712 1970-04 The Nucleus of a Multiprogramming System - April, 1970
Bits:30002329 30002329 PDF 79,135 1967-05-29 Vedrørende oprettelse af RC 4000 software udviklingsafdeling - 29.5.1967

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